Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class Ord k => Dataset m dataset k sample | dataset -> m, dataset -> sample, dataset -> k where
- data DatasetOptions = DatasetOptions {
- dataBufferSize :: Int
- numWorkers :: Int
- shuffle :: Sample
- datasetOpts :: Int -> DatasetOptions
- data Sample where
- Sequential :: Sample
- Shuffle :: RandomGen g => g -> Sample
- streamFromMap :: forall m dataset k sample r. (Dataset m dataset k sample, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => DatasetOptions -> dataset -> ContT r m (ListT m sample, Sample)
Defining a Dataset
See the Vision
module which implements the MNIST dataset for a good example of how to define a dataset.
class Ord k => Dataset m dataset k sample | dataset -> m, dataset -> sample, dataset -> k where Source #
The base dataset class. A dataset is capable of returning a sample
for a given key, and every Dataset
has a known set of keys.
Applicative m => Dataset (m :: Type -> Type) (MNIST m) Int (Tensor, Tensor) Source # | |
Applicative m => Dataset (m :: Type -> Type) (CachedDataset m sample) Int (sample :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Data.Utils | |
(KnownNat batchSize, KnownDevice device, Applicative m) => Dataset (m :: Type -> Type) (MNIST m device batchSize) Int ((Tensor device 'Float '[batchSize, 784], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize]) :: Type) Source # | |
data DatasetOptions Source #
Dataset options used when loading datasets. Specify shuffling behavior, the number of threads to use, and the buffer size used to store retrieved samples in each thread.
DatasetOptions | |
datasetOpts :: Int -> DatasetOptions Source #
Default DatasetOptions
. The Int
parameter specifies the
number of workers, and sets the buffer size equal to the number of workers.
Sampling is sequential.
A Sample
determines the ordering of samples streamed out of a dataset.
You can either order sequentially, or supply a random generator to shuffle samples.
Sequential :: Sample | |
Shuffle :: RandomGen g => g -> Sample |
streamFromMap :: forall m dataset k sample r. (Dataset m dataset k sample, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => DatasetOptions -> dataset -> ContT r m (ListT m sample, Sample) Source #
Return a stream of samples from the given dataset, along with a new Sample
The returned stream contains every sample returned by
for every key in the set of keys
associated with the given dataset. The returned getItem
value returns an updated Sample
this will be identical to the original Sample
value if sampling is Sequential
but will return a new random number generator
if sampling is Shuffle