Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class Monad m => Datastream m seed dataset sample | dataset -> sample where
- streamSamples :: dataset -> seed -> ListT m sample
- newtype DatastreamOptions = DatastreamOptions {
- bufferSize :: Int
- datastreamOpts :: DatastreamOptions
- streamFrom :: forall sample m dataset seed b. (Datastream m seed dataset sample, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m) => DatastreamOptions -> dataset -> ListT m seed -> ContT b m (ListT m sample)
- streamFrom' :: forall sample m f dataset seed b. (Show sample, Datastream m seed dataset sample, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m, MonadIO m, Foldable f) => DatastreamOptions -> dataset -> f seed -> ContT b m (ListT m sample)
- class (Applicative b, Applicative m, Monad b, Monad m) => MonadBase (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where
- liftBase :: b α -> m α
- class MonadBase b m => MonadBaseControl (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where
Defining a Datastream
We will show how to retrieve the IMDB dataset as an example datastream. The dataset used here can be found at
import Pipes import qualified Pipes.Safe as Safe import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import System.Directory newtype Imdb = Imdb { dataDir :: String } data Sentiment = Positive | Negative instance (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSafe m) => Datastream m Sentiment Imdb (Text, Sentiment) where streamSamples Imdb{..} sent = Select $ do rawFilePaths <- zip (repeat sent) <$> (liftIO $ listDirectory (dataDir </> sentToPath sent)) let filePaths = fmap (second $ mappend (dataDir </> sentToPath sent)) rawFilePaths for (each filePaths) $ \(rev, fp) -> Safe.withFile fp ReadMode $ \fh -> (PT.fromHandleLn fh) (yield rev) where sentToPath Pos = "pos" ++ pure pathSeparator sentToPath Neg = "neg" ++ pure pathSeparator
This streams in movie reviews from each file in either the positive review directory or the negative review directory, depending on the seed value used.
This highlights a use of seed values that is more interesting than just specifying the thread count, but also has some problems.
When running this datastream with either streamFrom
or 'streamFrom'', you need to supply both Positive
and Negative
values as seeds
to retrieve the entire IMDB dataset, and in this case positive and negative reviews will be streamed in concurrently.
The problem with designing a datastream in this fashion is you limit the amount of concurrency (2 threads in this case) without
duplicating data. Ultimately though seeds should be quite flexible and allow you to design the concurrency how you see fit. Be careful
not to use duplicate seed values unless you want duplicate data.
class Monad m => Datastream m seed dataset sample | dataset -> sample where Source #
The base datastream class. A dataset returns a stream of samples based on a seed value.
streamSamples :: dataset -> seed -> ListT m sample Source #
(MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSafe m, FromRecord batch) => Datastream m () (CsvDatastream batch) (Vector batch) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Data.CsvDatastream Methods streamSamples :: CsvDatastream batch -> () -> ListT m (Vector batch) Source # | |
(MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSafe m, FromNamedRecord batch) => Datastream m () (CsvDatastreamNamed batch) (Vector batch) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Data.CsvDatastream Methods streamSamples :: CsvDatastreamNamed batch -> () -> ListT m (Vector batch) Source # | |
Monad m => Datastream m Int (MNIST m) (Tensor, Tensor) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Vision | |
Datastream m seed dataset batch => Datastream m seed (CollatedDataset m dataset batch collatedBatch) collatedBatch Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Data.Dataset Methods streamSamples :: CollatedDataset m dataset batch collatedBatch -> seed -> ListT m collatedBatch Source # |
newtype DatastreamOptions Source #
Datastream options used when looding datastreams. Currently only buffer size is configurable,
since thread count is controlled by the number of seeds (see
DatastreamOptions | |
datastreamOpts :: DatastreamOptions Source #
Default dataloader options, you should override the fields in this record.
streamFrom :: forall sample m dataset seed b. (Datastream m seed dataset sample, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m) => DatastreamOptions -> dataset -> ListT m seed -> ContT b m (ListT m sample) Source #
Return a stream of samples from the given dataset as a continuation. A stream of samples is generated for every seed in the given stream of seeds, and all of these streams are merged into the output stream in a non-deterministic order (if you need determinism see 'streamFrom''). Every stream created for each seed value is made in its own thread.
streamFrom' :: forall sample m f dataset seed b. (Show sample, Datastream m seed dataset sample, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadBase IO m, MonadIO m, Foldable f) => DatastreamOptions -> dataset -> f seed -> ContT b m (ListT m sample) Source #
This function is the same as streamFrom
except the seeds are specified as
a Foldable
, and the stream returned has a deterministic ordering. The results
from each given seed are interspersed in the order defined by the
of seeds.Foldable
class (Applicative b, Applicative m, Monad b, Monad m) => MonadBase (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where Source #
class MonadBase b m => MonadBaseControl (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where Source #
Writing instances
The usual way to write a
instance for a transformer
stack over a base monad MonadBaseControl
is to write an instance MonadBaseControl B B
for the base monad, and MonadTransControl T
instances for every transformer
. Instances for
are then simply implemented using
, ComposeSt
, defaultLiftBaseWith
Associated Types
type StM (m :: Type -> Type) a Source #
Monadic state that m
adds to the base monad b
For all base (non-transformed) monads, StM m a ~ a
a ~ a StMMaybe
a ~ a StM (Either
e) a ~ a StM [] a ~ a StM ((->) r) a ~ a StMIdentity
a ~ a StMSTM
a ~ a StM (ST
s) a ~ a
If m
is a transformed monad, m ~ t b
is the monadic state of
the transformer StM
(given by its StT
from MonadTransControl
). For a
transformer stack,
is defined recursively:StM
StM (IdentityT
m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m a StM (MaybeT
m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m (Maybe
a) StM (ErrorT
e m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~Error
e => StM m (Either
e a) StM (ExceptT
e m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m (Either
e a) StM (ListT
m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m [a] StM (ReaderT
r m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m a StM (StateT
s m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~ StM m (a, s) StM (WriterT
w m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~Monoid
w => StM m (a, w) StM (RWST
r w s m) a ~ComposeSt
m a ~Monoid
w => StM m (a, s, w)
liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase m b -> b a) -> m a Source #
is similar to liftIO
and liftBase
in that it
lifts a base computation to the constructed monad.
Instances should satisfy similar laws as the MonadIO
and MonadBase
liftBaseWith (\_ -> return a) = return a
liftBaseWith (\_ -> m >>= f) = liftBaseWith (\_ -> m) >>= (\a -> liftBaseWith (\_ -> f a))
As Li-yao Xia explains, parametricity guarantees that
f $ liftBaseWith q = liftBaseWith $ runInBase -> f $ q runInBase
The difference with liftBase
is that before lifting the base computation
captures the state of m
. It then provides the base
computation with a RunInBase
function that allows running m
computations in the base monad on the captured state:
withFileLifted :: MonadBaseControl IO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a withFileLifted file mode action = liftBaseWith (\runInBase -> withFile file mode (runInBase . action)) >>= restoreM -- = control $ \runInBase -> withFile file mode (runInBase . action) -- = liftBaseOp (withFile file mode) action
is usually not implemented directly, but using
restoreM :: StM m a -> m a Source #
Construct a m
computation from the monadic state of m
that is
returned from a RunInBase
Instances should satisfy:
liftBaseWith (\runInBase -> runInBase m) >>= restoreM = m
is usually not implemented directly, but using