Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- bitwiseNot :: forall device shape. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- logicalNot :: forall device shape. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- logicalXor :: forall device shape. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- logicalAnd :: forall device shape. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- logicalOr :: forall device shape. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- type family SumDType (dtype :: DType) :: DType where ...
- type family SumDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- sumAll :: forall shape dtype' dtype device. (SumDTypeIsValid device dtype, dtype' ~ SumDType dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype' '[]
- sumDim :: forall d shape shape' dtype dtype' device. (KnownNat d, shape' ~ DropValue shape d, SumDTypeIsValid device dtype, dtype' ~ SumDType dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype' shape'
- abs :: forall shape dtype device. StandardDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- ceil :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- floor :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family MinMaxDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- min :: forall shape dtype device. (MinMaxDTypeIsValid device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- max :: forall shape dtype device. (MinMaxDTypeIsValid device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- type family MeanDTypeValidation (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- meanAll :: forall shape dtype device. (MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- unsafeMeanAll :: forall shape dtype device. MeanDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- meanDim :: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ DropValue shape dim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- meanNamedDim :: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat (FindDim dim shape), shape' ~ DropNamedValue shape dim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype) => NamedTensor device dtype shape -> NamedTensor device dtype shape'
- mean :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- medianAll :: forall shape dtype device. (StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- medianDim :: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ DropValue shape dim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape')
- median :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape')
- mode :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape')
- addScalar :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- subScalar :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- mulScalar :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- divScalar :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- powScalar :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- erf :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- exp :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- log1p :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- log2 :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- log10 :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- pow :: forall shape'' shape shape' dtype device. (BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device dtype, shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape') => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' -> Tensor device dtype shape''
- relu :: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) => t -> t
- selu :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- mish :: forall shape dtype device. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device dtype, shape ~ Broadcast shape shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- sigmoid :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- sin :: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) => t -> t
- sinh :: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) => t -> t
- cos :: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) => t -> t
- sqrt :: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) => t -> t
- tanh :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family ConditionalReduction (shape :: [Nat]) (reduction :: Reduction) :: [Nat] where ...
- class KnownReduction reduction where
- reductionVal :: Int
- binaryCrossEntropy :: forall (reduction :: Reduction) shape shape' dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, shape' ~ ConditionalReduction shape reduction, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- mseLoss :: forall (reduction :: Reduction) shape shape' dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, shape' ~ ConditionalReduction shape reduction, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- softmax :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, DimOutOfBoundCheck shape dim, KnownDType dtype, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- logSoftmax :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, DimOutOfBoundCheck shape dim, KnownDType dtype, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family Square (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family VectorOfSquare (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family FstSquareDim (shape :: [Nat]) :: Nat where ...
- type family InverseShapeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where ...
- type family InverseDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- inverse :: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ Square shape, InverseShapeIsValid device shape, InverseDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family SymeigDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- symeig :: forall shape shape' shape'' dtype device. (shape' ~ VectorOfSquare shape, shape'' ~ Square shape, SymeigDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device dtype shape'')
- symeigvalues :: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ VectorOfSquare shape, SymeigDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- data EigenVectors
- class KnownEigenVectors a where
- type family ConditionalEigenVectors (eigenvectors :: EigenVectors) (n :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family EigDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- eig :: forall eigenvectors n shape dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownEigenVectors eigenvectors, shape ~ ConditionalEigenVectors eigenvectors n, EigDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tensor device dtype '[n, n] -> (Tensor device dtype '[n, 2], Tensor device dtype shape)
- type family SVDShapes (shape :: [Nat]) (reduced :: ReducedSVD) :: ([Nat], [Nat], [Nat]) where ...
- data ReducedSVD
- class KnownReducedSVD (reduced :: ReducedSVD) where
- reducedSVD :: Bool
- type family SVDDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- svd :: forall reduced shape shapeU shapeS shapeV dtype device. (KnownReducedSVD reduced, '(shapeU, shapeS, shapeV) ~ SVDShapes shape reduced, SVDDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shapeU, Tensor device dtype shapeS, Tensor device dtype shapeV)
- type family CholeskyDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- cholesky :: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ Square shape, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- choleskyInverse :: forall n dtype device. (1 <= n, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype '[n, n] -> Tensor device dtype '[n, n]
- choleskySolve :: forall m_k m_m dtype device. (Square m_m ~ m_m, FstSquareDim m_m ~ FstSquareDim m_k, 1 <= FstSquareDim m_m, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype m_k -> Tensor device dtype m_m -> Tensor device dtype m_k
- type family SolveDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- solve :: forall m_k m_m dtype device. (Square m_m ~ m_m, FstSquareDim m_m ~ FstSquareDim m_k, 1 <= FstSquareDim m_m, SolveDTypeIsValid device dtype) => Tensor device dtype m_k -> Tensor device dtype m_m -> (Tensor device dtype m_k, Tensor device dtype m_m)
- geqrf :: forall m n dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[m, n] -> (Tensor device dtype '[m, n], Tensor device dtype '[Min m n])
- orgqr :: forall m n dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= m) => Tensor device dtype '[m, n] -> Tensor device dtype '[n] -> Tensor device dtype '[m, n]
- sign :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family SetValue (shape :: [Nat]) (i :: Nat) (j :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family GetValue (shape :: [Nat]) (i :: Nat) :: Nat where ...
- type family Transpose (shape :: [Nat]) (dim0 :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- transpose :: forall n m shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, shape' ~ Transpose shape n m) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- transpose2D :: forall (i :: Nat) (j :: Nat) dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[i, j] -> Tensor device dtype '[j, i]
- class KnownTri (tri :: Tri) where
- type family DiagSize (tri :: Tri) (index :: Nat) (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where ...
- type family DiagShape (tri :: Tri) (index :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- diag :: forall tri index shape shape' device dtype. (KnownTri tri, KnownNat index, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, shape' ~ DiagShape tri index shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- all :: forall shape device. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool '[]
- any :: forall shape device. Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool '[]
- data KeepOrDropDim
- class KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim where
- type family ConditionalDropDimension (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (keepOrDropDim :: KeepOrDropDim) :: [Nat] where ...
- allDim :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) => Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape'
- anyDim :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) => Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape'
- dropout :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape)
- featureDropout :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- alphaDropout :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- featureAlphaDropout :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- acos :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- avgPool1d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[kernelSize, stride, padding, channelSize, inputSize, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize]
- adaptiveAvgPool1d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize]
- adaptiveMaxPool1d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize])
- addmv :: forall shape' shape n m dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[n]) => Float -> Float -> Tensor device dtype '[n, m] -> Tensor device dtype '[m] -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- allclose :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- argmax :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device 'Int64 shape'
- argmin :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device 'Int64 shape'
- asin :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- atan :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- baddbmm :: forall shape' shape batchSize n m k dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, KnownNat k, shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[batchSize, n, m]) => Float -> Float -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, k] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, k, m] -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- bmm :: forall batchSize n m k dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, k] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, k, m] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, m]
- type family BroadcastTensorsImpl (tensors :: [a]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ...
- type family BroadcastTensorsCheck (tensors :: [a]) (result :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: [a] where ...
- type BroadcastTensors tensors = BroadcastTensorsCheck tensors (BroadcastTensorsImpl tensors 'Nothing)
- broadcastTensors :: forall tensors tensors'. (tensors' ~ BroadcastTensors tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor], Castable (HList tensors') [ATenTensor]) => HList tensors -> HList tensors'
- type family CatImpl (dim :: Nat) (tensors :: [a]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ...
- type family ComputeCatShape (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe [Nat] where ...
- type family ComputeCatDType (dtype :: DType) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe DType where ...
- type family ComputeCatDevice (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe (DeviceType, Nat) where ...
- type family CatCheck (res :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ...
- type Cat dim tensors = CatCheck (CatImpl dim tensors Nothing)
- cat :: forall dim shape dtype device tensors. (KnownNat dim, '(shape, dtype, device) ~ Cat dim tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensors -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family ChunkImpl (chunkShapes :: Maybe [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: Maybe a where ...
- type family ChunkCheck (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe a) :: a where ...
- type family ComputeChunksChunkGo (n' :: Nat) (r :: Nat) (cmp :: Ordering) (cmp' :: Ordering) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family ComputeChunksChunkGo0 (n' :: Nat) (chunks :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family ComputeChunks (n :: Maybe Nat) (chunks :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ...
- type family ComputeChunks' (n :: Nat) (chunks :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family ChunkShapesImpl (chunks :: Maybe [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Maybe [[Nat]] where ...
- type ChunkShapes chunks dim shape = ChunkShapesImpl (ComputeChunks (ExtractDim dim shape) chunks) dim shape
- type Chunk chunks dim shape dtype device = ChunkCheck shape dim (ChunkImpl (ChunkShapes chunks dim shape) dtype device)
- chunk :: forall chunks dim shape dtype device tensorChunks. (KnownNat chunks, KnownNat dim, tensorChunks ~ Chunk chunks dim shape dtype device, Castable (HList tensorChunks) [ATenTensor]) => Tensor device dtype shape -> HList tensorChunks
- clamp :: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a => a -> a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- clampMax :: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- clampMin :: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- cudnnIsAcceptable :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- constantPadNd1d :: forall (pad :: (Nat, Nat)) n dtype device. All KnownNat '[Fst pad, Snd pad, n] => Float -> Tensor device dtype '[n] -> Tensor device dtype '[(n + Fst pad) + Snd pad]
- type ConvSideCheck (inputSize :: Nat) (kernelSize :: Nat) (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) (outputSize :: Nat) = (1 <= kernelSize, 1 <= stride, (kernelSize - 1) <= (inputSize + (2 * padding)), 1 <= outputSize, outputSize ~ ConvOutputSize inputSize kernelSize stride padding)
- type family ConvOutputSize (inputSize :: Nat) (kernelSize :: Nat) (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) :: Nat where ...
- conv1d :: forall (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]
- conv2d :: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- conv3d :: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]
- convTBC :: forall padding timeSize batchSize kernelSize inputChannels outputChannels dtype device. KnownNat padding => Tensor device dtype '[kernelSize, inputChannels, outputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[timeSize, batchSize, inputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[((timeSize + (padding * 2)) + 1) - kernelSize, batchSize, outputChannels]
- convTranspose1d :: forall (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize]
- convTranspose2d :: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- convTranspose3d :: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]
- cosh :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family Det (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- det :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Det shape)
- type family DimsDistinctAscendingCheck (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (cmp :: Ordering) :: Constraint where ...
- type family DimsDistinctAscending (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) :: Constraint where ...
- type family DiagEmbedShapeImpl (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (n :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family DiagEmbedShape (index :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- diagEmbed :: forall index dim1 dim2 shape shape' device dtype. (KnownNat index, KnownNat dim1, KnownNat dim2, shape' ~ DiagEmbedShape index dim1 dim2 shape, DimsDistinctAscending dim1 dim2, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family DiagflatShapeImpl (d :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family DiagflatShape (index :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- diagflat :: forall index shape shape' device dtype. (KnownNat index, shape' ~ DiagflatShape index shape, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tri -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family NDimAtLeastCheck (ndim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (cmp :: Ordering) :: Constraint where ...
- type family NDimAtLeast (ndim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where ...
- type family DiagonalShape (tri :: Tri) (index :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- diagonal :: forall tri index dim1 dim2 shape shape' device dtype. (KnownTri tri, KnownNat index, KnownNat dim1, KnownNat dim2, NDimAtLeast 2 shape, DimsDistinctAscending dim1 dim2, shape' ~ DiagonalShape tri index dim1 dim2 shape, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family DotDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- dot :: forall size dtype device. DotDTypeIsValid device dtype => Tensor device dtype '[size] -> Tensor device dtype '[size] -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- class KnownMaybeNat (n :: Maybe Nat) where
- type family PaddingIdxCheck (idx :: Maybe Nat) (numEmbeds :: Nat) :: Constraint where ...
- embedding :: forall (paddingIdx :: Maybe Nat) numEmbeds embedDim shape dtype device. (KnownMaybeNat paddingIdx, PaddingIdxCheck paddingIdx numEmbeds) => Bool -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype '[numEmbeds, embedDim] -> Tensor device 'Int64 shape -> Tensor device dtype (Reverse (embedDim ': Reverse shape))
- emptyLike :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape)
- erfc :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- expm1 :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- expand :: forall shape' shape dtype device. (KnownShape shape', shape' ~ Broadcast shape shape') => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- flattenAll :: forall shape dtype device. KnownShape shape => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[Product shape]
- frac :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- fullLike :: forall shape dtype device. Float -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- isclose :: forall shape dtype device. Double -> Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- isNaN :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device 'Bool shape
- isDistributed :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- isFloatingPoint :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- isComplex :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- isNonZero :: forall shape dtype device. Numel shape ~ 1 => Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- isSameSize :: forall shape shape' dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' -> Bool
- isSigned :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Bool
- layerNorm :: forall normalizedShape shape dtype device. (KnownShape normalizedShape, IsSuffixOf normalizedShape shape) => Tensor device dtype normalizedShape -> Tensor device dtype normalizedShape -> Double -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- linear :: forall batchSize inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputFeatures]
- linear' :: forall (inputFeatures :: Nat) (outputFeatures :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (shape' :: [Nat]) dtype device (shape'' :: [Nat]). (shape'' ~ MatMul shape '[inputFeatures, outputFeatures], shape' ~ Broadcast shape'' shape'') => Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- mkldnnLinear :: forall batchSize inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputFeatures]
- log :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- logDet :: forall shape' shape dtype device. shape' ~ Det shape => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- logSumExp :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, Reifies dtype DType, DTypeIsFloatingPoint device dtype, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- matrixPower :: forall shape' shape dtype device. shape' ~ Square shape => Int -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- maxValues :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- minValues :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- maxPool1d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[kernelSize, stride, padding, channelSize, inputSize, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize]
- maxPool2d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- mkldnnMaxPool2d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- quantizedMaxPool2d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- maxPool3d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 kernelSize, Snd3 kernelSize, Trd3 kernelSize, Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst3 kernelSize) (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd3 kernelSize) (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 (Trd3 kernelSize) (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]
- maskedFill :: forall a shape shape' shape'' dtype device. (Scalar a, shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape') => Tensor device 'Bool shape' -> a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape''
- mm :: forall n k m dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[n, k] -> Tensor device dtype '[k, m] -> Tensor device dtype '[n, m]
- mv :: forall n m dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[n, m] -> Tensor device dtype '[m] -> Tensor device dtype '[n]
- type family NarrowCheck (mbCurrent :: Maybe Nat) (mbUpdated :: Maybe [Nat]) (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family Narrow' (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (current :: Maybe Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ...
- type family Narrow (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- narrow :: forall dim start length shape mbSize mbNewShape dtype device. (All KnownNat '[dim, start, length], All KnownNat shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Narrow shape dim start length)
- onesLike :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- randLike :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape)
- randnLike :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape)
- reciprocal :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- neg :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- round :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- prelu :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[] -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family GeluDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ...
- gelu :: forall shape dtype device. GeluDTypeIsValid device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- rsqrt :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- celu :: forall shape dtype device. Float -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family StackImpl (dim :: Nat) (tensors :: [a]) (count :: Nat) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ...
- type family MaybePair (a' :: Maybe a) (b' :: Maybe b) :: Maybe (a, b) where ...
- type family MaybeTriple (a' :: Maybe a) (b' :: Maybe b) (c' :: Maybe c) :: Maybe (a, b, c) where ...
- type family ComputeStackShape (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (count :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ...
- type family StackCheck (res :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ...
- type Stack dim tensors = StackCheck (StackImpl dim tensors 1)
- stack :: forall dim shape dtype device tensors. (KnownNat dim, '(shape, dtype, device) ~ Stack dim tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensors -> Tensor device dtype shape
- vecStack :: forall dim n shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownNat n) => Vector n (Tensor device dtype shape) -> Tensor device dtype (Insert dim n shape)
- t :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- tan :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- trunc :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family UnsqueezeImpl (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [a] where ...
- type family UnsqueezeCheck (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ...
- type Unsqueeze shape dim = UnsqueezeCheck shape dim (UnsqueezeImpl shape dim)
- unsqueeze :: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ Unsqueeze shape dim) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family SqueezeAll (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- squeezeAll :: forall shape shape' dtype device. shape' ~ SqueezeAll shape => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- type family SqueezeDimImpl (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [a] where ...
- type family SqueezeDimCheck (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ...
- type SqueezeDim shape dim = SqueezeDimCheck shape dim (SqueezeDimImpl shape dim)
- squeezeDim :: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ SqueezeDim shape dim) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- zerosLike :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- clone :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape)
- addmm :: forall shape' shape n k m dtype device. (All KnownNat '[n, k, m], shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[n, m]) => Float -> Float -> Tensor device dtype '[n, k] -> Tensor device dtype '[k, m] -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- numel :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Int
- qScale :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Double
- qZeroPoint :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Int
- data RNNDirectionality
- type family NumberOfDirections (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: Nat where ...
- class KnownRNNDirectionality (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) where
- data RNNShapeOrder
- class KnownRNNShapeOrder (shapeOrder :: RNNShapeOrder) where
- type family RNNShape (shapeOrder :: RNNShapeOrder) (seqLen :: Nat) (batchSize :: Nat) (featureSize :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type LSTMWIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize, inputSize]
- type LSTMWHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize]
- type LSTMBIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize]
- type LSTMBHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize]
- type family LSTMRImpl (inputSize :: Nat) (hiddenSize :: Nat) (numLayers :: Nat) (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: [[Nat]] where ...
- type family LSTMR' (shapes :: [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: [a] where ...
- type LSTMR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device = LSTMR' (LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality) dtype device
- lstm :: forall shapeOrder directionality numLayers seqLen batchSize inputSize outputSize hiddenSize inputShape outputShape hxShape tensorParameters dtype device. (KnownNat numLayers, KnownRNNShapeOrder shapeOrder, KnownRNNDirectionality directionality, outputSize ~ (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections directionality), inputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize inputSize, outputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize outputSize, hxShape ~ '[numLayers * NumberOfDirections directionality, batchSize, hiddenSize], tensorParameters ~ LSTMR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device, Castable (HList tensorParameters) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensorParameters -> Double -> Bool -> (Tensor device dtype hxShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape) -> Tensor device dtype inputShape -> (Tensor device dtype outputShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape)
- lstmCell :: forall inputSize hiddenSize batchSize dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize], Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize]) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputSize] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize], Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize])
- type GRUWIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize, inputSize]
- type GRUWHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize]
- type GRUBIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize]
- type GRUBHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize]
- type family GRURImpl (inputSize :: Nat) (hiddenSize :: Nat) (numLayers :: Nat) (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: [[Nat]] where ...
- type family GRUR' (shapes :: [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: [a] where ...
- type GRUR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device = GRUR' (GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality) dtype device
- gru :: forall shapeOrder directionality numLayers seqLen batchSize inputSize outputSize hiddenSize inputShape outputShape hcShape tensorParameters dtype device. (KnownNat numLayers, KnownRNNShapeOrder shapeOrder, KnownRNNDirectionality directionality, outputSize ~ (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections directionality), inputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize inputSize, outputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize outputSize, hcShape ~ '[numLayers * NumberOfDirections directionality, batchSize, hiddenSize], tensorParameters ~ GRUR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device, Castable (HList tensorParameters) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensorParameters -> Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype hcShape -> Tensor device dtype inputShape -> (Tensor device dtype outputShape, Tensor device dtype hcShape)
- gruCell :: forall inputSize hiddenSize batchSize dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize]
- type family MatrixOrMatrixBatch (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ...
- triu :: forall shape dtype device. shape ~ MatrixOrMatrixBatch shape => Int -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- tril :: forall shape dtype device. shape ~ MatrixOrMatrixBatch shape => Int -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- trace :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- maskedSelect :: forall shape shape' shape'' dtype device. shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape' => Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' -> UnknownShapeTensor device dtype
- nonzero :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- type family GatherDimImpl (shape :: [Nat]) (shape' :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ...
- type family GatherDimCheck (shape :: [a]) (shape' :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ...
- type GatherDim shape shape' dim = GatherDimCheck shape shape' dim (GatherDimImpl shape shape' dim)
- gatherDim :: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ GatherDim shape shape' dim) => Tensor device 'Int64 shape' -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape'
- lgamma :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- digamma :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- polygamma :: forall shape dtype device. Int -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- erfinv :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- minAll :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- type family DropValue (shape :: [Nat]) (i :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ...
- type family DropNamedValue (shape :: Shape) (i :: Size) :: Shape where ...
- minDim :: forall d shape dtype device. KnownNat d => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype (DropValue shape d), Tensor device 'Int64 (DropValue shape d))
- maxAll :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype '[]
- maxDim :: forall d shape dtype device. KnownNat d => Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype (DropValue shape d), Tensor device 'Int64 (DropValue shape d))
- type family HasDim (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where ...
- sortDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, HasDim dim shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape, Tensor device Int64 shape)
- sortNamedDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. KnownNat (FindDim dim shape) => Bool -> NamedTensor device dtype shape -> (NamedTensor device dtype shape, NamedTensor device Int64 shape)
- argSortDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, HasDim dim shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device Int64 shape
- argSortNamedDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. KnownNat (FindDim dim shape) => Bool -> NamedTensor device dtype shape -> NamedTensor device Int64 shape
- type family TopKCheck (k :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (satd :: Maybe Nat) (result :: Maybe a) :: a where ...
- type TopK k shape dim = TopKCheck k shape dim (ExtractDim dim shape) (ReplaceDim dim shape k)
- type family TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck dtype (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: Constraint where ...
- topk :: forall k dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat k, KnownNat dim, All KnownNat shape, TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck dtype device, shape' ~ TopK k shape dim) => Bool -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape')
- alias :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- l1Loss :: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction)
- nllLoss :: forall reduction n c ds dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, KnownNat n, KnownNat c, KnownShape ds) => Tensor device dtype '[c] -> Int -> Tensor device dtype (n ': (c ': ds)) -> Tensor device 'Int64 (n ': ds) -> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction (n ': ds) reduction)
- smoothL1Loss :: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction)
- softMarginLoss :: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction)
- elu :: forall shape dtype a device. (Scalar a, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => a -> a -> a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- hardTanh :: forall shape dtype device. Float -> Float -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- leakyRelu :: forall a shape dtype device. (Scalar a, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) => a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- logSigmoid :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- softplus :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- softShrink :: forall shape dtype device. Float -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape
- adaptiveAvgPool2d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize]
- mkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize]
- adaptiveAvgPool3d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize]
- adaptiveMaxPool2d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize])
- adaptiveMaxPool3d :: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize] => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize])
- avgPool2d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1]
- avgPool3d :: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 kernelSize, Snd3 kernelSize, Trd3 kernelSize, Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst3 kernelSize) (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd3 kernelSize) (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 (Trd3 kernelSize) (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) => Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2]
- type family Upsample2dCheck shape h w where ...
- type Upsample2d shape h w = Upsample2dCheck shape h w
- upsample_bilinear2d :: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w)
- upsample_bicubic2d :: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w)
- upsample_nearest2d :: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w)
:set -XOverloadedLists
Computes the bitwise NOT of the given input tensor. The input tensor must be of integral or Boolean types. For bool tensors, it computes the logical NOT.
dtype &&& shape $ bitwiseNot (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool [3,3])
Computes the element-wise logical NOT of the given input tensor. If not specified, the output tensor will have the bool dtype. If the input tensor is not a bool tensor, zeros are treated as False and non-zeros are treated as True.
type family SumDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
SumDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype | |
SumDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, _) dtype = () | |
SumDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape dtype' dtype device. (SumDTypeIsValid device dtype, dtype' ~ SumDType dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype' '[] | output |
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.UInt8 '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Int8 '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Int16 '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Int32 '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Int) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Float) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 3])
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: Double) $ sumAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Double '[2, 3])
:: forall d shape shape' dtype dtype' device. (KnownNat d, shape' ~ DropValue shape d, SumDTypeIsValid device dtype, dtype' ~ SumDType dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype' shape' | output |
dtype &&& shape $ sumDim @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
sumDim @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,4])
Tensor Float [2] [ 4.0000 , 4.0000 ]
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ abs (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ ceil (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ floor (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type family MinMaxDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
MinMaxDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype | |
MinMaxDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, _) dtype = () | |
MinMaxDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape dtype device. (MinMaxDTypeIsValid device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
dtype &&& shape $ min (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. (MinMaxDTypeIsValid device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
dtype &&& shape $ max (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type family MeanDTypeValidation (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
MeanDTypeValidation '(deviceType, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '(deviceType, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '(deviceType, deviceIndex) dtype) |
:: forall shape dtype device. (MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
Computes the mean while carrying out a full reduction of all tensor dimensions.
meanAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[])
Tensor Float [] 1.0000>>>
meanAll (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
Tensor Float [] 0.0000
:: forall shape dtype device. MeanDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
Computes the mean while carrying out a full reduction of all tensor dimensions. This version is not restricted and can return NaN.
unsafeMeanAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[])
Tensor Float [] 1.0000>>>
unsafeMeanAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[0])
Tensor Float [] NaN>>>
unsafeMeanAll (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
Tensor Float [] 0.0000
:: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ DropValue shape dim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
Computes the mean and reduces the tensor over the specified dimension.
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ meanDim @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ meanDim @1 t
dtype &&& shape $ meanDim @2 t
:: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat (FindDim dim shape), shape' ~ DropNamedValue shape dim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> NamedTensor device dtype shape | input |
-> NamedTensor device dtype shape' | output |
Computes the mean and reduces the tensor over the specified dimension.
import Torch.Typed.Factories
import Data.Default.Class
t = def :: NamedTensor '( D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[Vector 3, Vector 4, Vector 5]
dtype &&& shape $ meanNamedDim @(Vector 4) t
mean :: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, MeanDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' Source #
Computes the mean and optionally reduces the tensor over the specified dimension.
See for more information.
t = fromJust [[5, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [2, 7]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
mean @0 @KeepDim t
Tensor Float [1,2] [[ 3.5000 , 2.7500 ]]
:: forall shape dtype device. (StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
Computes the median while carrying out a full reduction of all tensor dimensions.
dtype &&& shape $ medianAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ DropValue shape dim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape') | output |
Computes the median and reduces the tensor over the specified dimension.
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ medianDim @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ medianDim @1 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ medianDim @2 t
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape') | output |
Computes the median and optionally reduces the tensor over the specified dimension.
See for more information.
t = fromJust [[5, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [2, 7]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
- - libtorch 1.7.0
- - (Tensor Float [1,2] [[ 3.0000 , 1.0000 ]],Tensor Int64 [1,2] [[ 1, 0]])
- - libtorch 1.8.0
>>> median
KeepDim t (Tensor Float [1,2] [[ 3.0000 , 1.0000 ]],Tensor Int64 [1,2] [[ 1, 2]])
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, AllDimsPositive shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape') | output |
Returns a tuple '(modes, indices)' where modes
is the mode value of each row of the input
in the given dimension dim
, i.e. a value which appears most often in that row,
and indices
is the index location of each mode value found.
See for more information.
t = fromJust [[0, 5], [0, 2], [3, 5]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3, 2]
(modes :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[2], indices :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[2]) = mode @0 @DropDim t
(dtype modes, shape modes, D.asValue (toDynamic modes) :: [Int])
(dtype indices, shape indices, D.asValue (toDynamic indices) :: [Int])
t = fromJust [[0, 0], [0, 1], [3, 3]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 2]
(modes :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,1], indices :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3,1]) = mode @1 @KeepDim t
(dtype modes, shape modes, D.asValue (toDynamic modes) :: [[Float]])
(dtype indices, shape indices, D.asValue (toDynamic indices) :: [[Int]])
:: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a | |
=> a | scalar input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | tensor input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
addScalar TODO: what dtypes is this defined for? TODO: what scalar types is this defined for?
dtype &&& shape $ addScalar 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a | |
=> a | scalar input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | tensor input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
subScalar TODO: what dtypes is this defined for? TODO: what scalar types is this defined for?
dtype &&& shape $ subScalar 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a | |
=> a | scalar input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | tensor input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
mulScalar TODO: what dtypes is this defined for? TODO: what scalar types is this defined for?
dtype &&& shape $ mulScalar 2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a | |
=> a | scalar input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | tensor input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
divScalar TODO: what dtypes is this defined for? TODO: what scalar types is this defined for?
dtype &&& shape $ divScalar 2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a | |
=> a | power |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output tensor |
powScalar TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ powScalar 2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ erf (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ exp (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ log1p (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
log2 >>> dtype &&& shape $ log2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (Float,[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ log10 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape'' shape shape' dtype device. (BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device dtype, shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape') | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | power |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape'' | output tensor |
pow this operation supports broadcasting TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ pow (2 :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) | |
=> t | input |
-> t | output |
relu activation function
dtype &&& shape $ relu (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ selu (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
mish :: forall shape dtype device. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, BasicArithmeticDTypeIsValid device dtype, shape ~ Broadcast shape shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #
is a smooth activation function, see for details.
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t -> D.asValue (toDynamic t) :: [[Float]]) $ mish (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ sigmoid (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) | |
=> t | input |
-> t | output |
dtype &&& shape $ sin (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) | |
=> t | input |
-> t | output |
dtype &&& shape $ sinh (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) | |
=> t | input |
-> t | output |
dtype &&& shape $ cos (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device t. (StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype, IsUnnamed t device dtype shape) | |
=> t | input |
-> t | output |
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
type family ConditionalReduction (shape :: [Nat]) (reduction :: Reduction) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
:kind! ConditionalReduction '[3,2] ReduceNone
ConditionalReduction '[3,2] ReduceNone :: [Natural] = '[3, 2]>>>
:kind! ConditionalReduction '[3,2] ReduceMean
ConditionalReduction '[3,2] ReduceMean :: [Natural] = '[]
ConditionalReduction shape ReduceNone = shape | |
ConditionalReduction shape _ = '[] |
class KnownReduction reduction where Source #
reductionVal :: Int Source #
KnownReduction 'ReduceMean Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods reductionVal :: Int Source # | |
KnownReduction 'ReduceNone Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods reductionVal :: Int Source # | |
KnownReduction 'ReduceSum Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods reductionVal :: Int Source # |
:: forall (reduction :: Reduction) shape shape' dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, shape' ~ ConditionalReduction shape reduction, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | prediction |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | target |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
binary cross entropy
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
dtype &&& shape $ binaryCrossEntropy @ReduceNone t t t
dtype &&& shape $ binaryCrossEntropy @ReduceMean t t t
dtype &&& shape $ binaryCrossEntropy @ReduceSum t t t
:: forall (reduction :: Reduction) shape shape' dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, shape' ~ ConditionalReduction shape reduction, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | prediction |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | target |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
dtype &&& shape $ mseLoss @ReduceNone t t
dtype &&& shape $ mseLoss @ReduceMean t t
dtype &&& shape $ mseLoss @ReduceSum t t
:: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, DimOutOfBoundCheck shape dim, KnownDType dtype, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
dtype &&& shape $ softmax @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ softmax @1 t
:: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, DimOutOfBoundCheck shape dim, KnownDType dtype, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
dtype &&& shape $ logSoftmax @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ logSoftmax @1 t
type family VectorOfSquare (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
VectorOfSquare (n ': (n ': '[])) = '[n] | |
VectorOfSquare (b ': (n ': (n ': '[]))) = '[b, n] | |
VectorOfSquare _ = TypeError (Text "This shape must be square matrix or batch + square matrix.") |
type family FstSquareDim (shape :: [Nat]) :: Nat where ... Source #
FstSquareDim (n ': (m ': '[])) = n | |
FstSquareDim (b ': (n ': (m ': '[]))) = n | |
FstSquareDim _ = TypeError (Text "Can not get first dimention of matrix or batch + matrix.") |
type family InverseShapeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where ... Source #
InverseShapeIsValid '('CPU, 0) _ = () | |
InverseShapeIsValid '('CUDA, _) shape = AllDimsPositive shape |
type family InverseDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
InverseDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
InverseDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
InverseDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ Square shape, InverseShapeIsValid device shape, InverseDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | inverse |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
inverse TODO: if rank < n for any tensors in the batch, then this will not work. we can't decide this statically, but we should prevent runtime errors. therefore, return Maybe?
t <- randn :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ inverse t
t <- randn :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ inverse t
type family SymeigDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
SymeigDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
SymeigDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
SymeigDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape shape' shape'' dtype device. (shape' ~ VectorOfSquare shape, shape'' ~ Square shape, SymeigDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tri | upper or lower triagonal |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device dtype shape'') | eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
torch.symeig is deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.eigh and will be removed in a future PyTorch release.
The default behavior has changed from using the upper triangular portion of the matrix by default to using the lower triangular portion.
L, _ = torch.symeig(A, upper=upper)
should be replaced with
L = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(A, UPLO=U
if upper else L
L, V = torch.symeig(A, eigenvectors=True)
should be replaced with
L, V = torch.linalg.eigh(A, UPLO=U
if upper else L
) (function operator())
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,2])
(eigenVals,eigenVecs) = symeig Upper t
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals -- Skip warning
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals
:t eigenVals
eigenVals :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVecs
:t eigenVecs
eigenVecs :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 2, 2]>>>
(eigenVals,eigenVecs) = symeig Lower t
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVecs
:: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ VectorOfSquare shape, SymeigDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tri | upper or lower triagonal |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' |
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,2])
eigenVals = symeigvalues Upper t
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals
:t eigenVals
eigenVals :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 2]
data EigenVectors Source #
EnableEigenVectors | |
DisableEigenVectors |
KnownEigenVectors 'DisableEigenVectors Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownEigenVectors 'EnableEigenVectors Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
class KnownEigenVectors a where Source #
KnownEigenVectors 'DisableEigenVectors Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownEigenVectors 'EnableEigenVectors Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
type family ConditionalEigenVectors (eigenvectors :: EigenVectors) (n :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
ConditionalEigenVectors EnableEigenVectors n = '[n, n] | |
ConditionalEigenVectors DisableEigenVectors _ = '[0] |
type family EigDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
EigDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
EigDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
EigDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall eigenvectors n shape dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownEigenVectors eigenvectors, shape ~ ConditionalEigenVectors eigenvectors n, EigDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[n, n] | input matrix |
-> (Tensor device dtype '[n, 2], Tensor device dtype shape) | eigenvalues and eigenvectors |
eig Warning: torch.eig is deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.eig and will be removed in a future PyTorch release. torch.linalg.eig returns complex tensors of dtype cfloat or cdouble rather than real tensors mimicking complex tensors. L, _ = torch.eig(A) should be replaced with L_complex = torch.linalg.eigvals(A) and L, V = torch.eig(A, eigenvectors=True) should be replaced with L_complex, V_complex = torch.linalg.eig(A) (function operator())
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3])
(eigenVals,eigenVecs) = eig @EnableEigenVectors t
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals -- Skip warning
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals
:t eigenVals
eigenVals :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVecs
:t eigenVecs
eigenVecs :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 3]>>>
(eigenVals,eigenVecs) = eig @DisableEigenVectors t
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVals
dtype &&& shape $ eigenVecs
:t eigenVecs
eigenVecs :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[0]
type family SVDShapes (shape :: [Nat]) (reduced :: ReducedSVD) :: ([Nat], [Nat], [Nat]) where ... Source #
SVDShapes '[0, n] 'ThinSVD = '('[0, 0], '[0], '[n, n]) | |
SVDShapes '[m, n] 'ThinSVD = '('[m, Min m n], '[Min m n], '[n, Min m n]) | |
SVDShapes '[m, n] 'FullSVD = '('[m, m], '[Min m n], '[n, n]) | |
SVDShapes '[b, 0, n] 'ThinSVD = '('[b, 0, 0], '[b, 0], '[b, n, n]) | |
SVDShapes '[b, m, n] 'ThinSVD = '('[b, m, Min m n], '[b, Min m n], '[b, n, Min m n]) | |
SVDShapes '[b, m, n] 'FullSVD = '('[b, m, m], '[b, Min m n], '[b, n, n]) | |
SVDShapes _ _ = TypeError (Text "A singular value decomposition can only be computed for 2D matrices for at most one batch dimension.") |
data ReducedSVD Source #
class KnownReducedSVD (reduced :: ReducedSVD) where Source #
reducedSVD :: Bool Source #
KnownReducedSVD 'FullSVD Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods reducedSVD :: Bool Source # | |
KnownReducedSVD 'ThinSVD Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods reducedSVD :: Bool Source # |
type family SVDDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
SVDDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
SVDDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
SVDDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall reduced shape shapeU shapeS shapeV dtype device. (KnownReducedSVD reduced, '(shapeU, shapeS, shapeV) ~ SVDShapes shape reduced, SVDDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | (batched) input real matrix |
-> (Tensor device dtype shapeU, Tensor device dtype shapeS, Tensor device dtype shapeV) | (batched) output tuple of |
Singular Value Decomposition
TODO: When compute_uv
is False
, backward cannot be performed since u
and v
from the forward pass are required for the backward operation. There is no way to encode in the types at this point in time. Thus, only True
is supported currently.
This function returns a tuple `(u, s, v)` which is the singular value decomposition of a input real matrix or batches of real matrices input such that `input = U×diag(S)×V^T`.
a <- randn :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 5])
(u, s, v) = svd @'ThinSVD a
dtype &&& shape $ u
dtype &&& shape $ s
dtype &&& shape $ v
(u, s, v) = svd @'FullSVD a
dtype &&& shape $ u
dtype &&& shape $ s
dtype &&& shape $ v
a <- randn :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5, 3])
(u, s, v) = svd @'ThinSVD a
dtype &&& shape $ u
dtype &&& shape $ s
dtype &&& shape $ v
(u, s, v) = svd @'FullSVD a
dtype &&& shape $ u
dtype &&& shape $ s
dtype &&& shape $ v
type family CholeskyDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
CholeskyDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
CholeskyDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
CholeskyDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape shape' dtype device. (shape' ~ Square shape, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tri | indicate whether to return an upper or lower triangular matrix. |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
cholesky TODO: cholesky can throw if the input is not positive-definite. Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive-definite matrix. The operation supports batching.
Warning: torch.cholesky is deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.cholesky and will be removed in a future PyTorch release. L = torch.cholesky(A) should be replaced with L = torch.linalg.cholesky(A) and U = torch.cholesky(A, upper=True) should be replaced with U = torch.linalg.cholesky(A.transpose(-2, -1).conj()).transpose(-2, -1).conj() (function operator())
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
u = cholesky Upper (t `matmul` transpose2D t) -- Skip warning
dtype &&& shape $ u
:t u
u :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 2]
:: forall n dtype device. (1 <= n, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tri | decides whether the upper or the lower triangular part of the input tensor is used |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n, n] | the input 2-D tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n, n] | the output 2-D tensor |
Computes the inverse of a symmetric positive-definite matrix
using its Cholesky factor, returned, e.g., by cholesky
Unlike cholesky
, this operation does not support batching.
The inverse is computed using the LAPACK routine `?potri`.
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
tri = Upper
u = cholesky tri (t `matmul` transpose2D t)
dtype &&& shape $ choleskyInverse tri u
:: forall m_k m_m dtype device. (Square m_m ~ m_m, FstSquareDim m_m ~ FstSquareDim m_k, 1 <= FstSquareDim m_m, CholeskyDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tri | decides whether the upper or the lower triangular part of the input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype m_k | the (batched) RHS tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype m_m | the (batched) input 2-D tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype m_k | the (batched) output 2-D tensor |
Solves the system of linear equations represented by `a c = b`
using the Cholesky factor matrix u
of a
(returned, e.g., by cholesky
where a
is a positive semidefinite matrix.
The operation supports batching.
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3])
a = t `matmul` transpose2D t
b <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
tri = Upper
u = cholesky tri a
dtype &&& shape $ choleskySolve tri b u
type family SolveDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
SolveDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
SolveDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
SolveDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall m_k m_m dtype device. (Square m_m ~ m_m, FstSquareDim m_m ~ FstSquareDim m_k, 1 <= FstSquareDim m_m, SolveDTypeIsValid device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype m_k | the (batched) RHS tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype m_m | the (batched) positive semidefinite matrix |
-> (Tensor device dtype m_k, Tensor device dtype m_m) | the (batched) outputs c and lu |
Solves the system of linear equations represented by `a c = b` and also returns the LU decomposition of a
has to be a positive semidefinite matrix.
The operation supports batching.
Warning: torch.solve is deprecated in favor of torch.linalg.solveand will be removed in a future PyTorch release. torch.linalg.solve has its arguments reversed and does not return the LU factorization. To get the LU factorization see, which can be used with torch.lu_solve or torch.lu_unpack. X = torch.solve(B, A).solution should be replaced with X = torch.linalg.solve(A, B) (function operator())
t <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10,10])
a = t `matmul` transpose2D t
b <- rand :: IO (CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10,3])
(c,lu) = solve b a
dtype &&& shape $ c -- Skip warning
dtype &&& shape $ c
dtype &&& shape $ lu
:t c
c :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[10, 3]>>>
:t lu
lu :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[10, 10]
:: forall m n dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[m, n] | input matrix |
-> (Tensor device dtype '[m, n], Tensor device dtype '[Min m n]) | tuple `(a, tau)` of output matrices |
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
computes a QR decomposition of the given input
but without constructing Q
and R
as explicit separate matrices.
Rather, this function directly calls the underlying LAPACK function `?geqrf`
which produces a tuple `(a, tau)` of intermediate results as defined in
the LAPACK documentation for `?geqrf`.
You can use orgqr
on `(a, tau)` to compute the real orthogonal matrix Q
but in general you may just want to use qr
See the LAPACK documentation for `?geqrf` for further details,
(a, tau) = geqrf (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4])
dtype &&& shape $ a
dtype &&& shape $ tau
(a, tau) = geqrf (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4,3])
dtype &&& shape $ a
dtype &&& shape $ tau
orgqr :: forall m n dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= m) => Tensor device dtype '[m, n] -> Tensor device dtype '[n] -> Tensor device dtype '[m, n] Source #
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
Computes the orthogonal matrix Q
of a QR factorization
from the `(a, tau)` tuple returned by geqrf
This directly calls the underlying LAPACK function `?orgqr`. See the LAPACK documentation for `?orgqr` for further details,
When libtorch-1.7, this function behavior is changed. First dimention should be greater than second dimention.
dtype &&& shape $ orgqr (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4,3]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
sign works for all dtypes
dtype &&& shape $ sign (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family Transpose (shape :: [Nat]) (dim0 :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
:kind! Transpose '[3,2] 0 1
Transpose '[3,2] 0 1 :: [Natural] = '[2, 3]>>>
:kind! Transpose '[3,2,1] 1 2
Transpose '[3,2,1] 1 2 :: [Natural] = '[3, 1, 2]
:: forall n m shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, shape' ~ Transpose shape n m) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
transpose See "........depspytorchatensrcATennativeTensorShape.cpp".
dtype &&& shape $ transpose @0 @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
dtype &&& shape $ transpose @0 @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,1])
dtype &&& shape $ transpose @1 @2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,1])
:: forall (i :: Nat) (j :: Nat) dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[i, j] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[j, i] | output |
transpose2d, special case for a 2D tensor
dtype &&& shape $ transpose2D (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family DiagSize (tri :: Tri) (index :: Nat) (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #
DiagSize 'Upper i m n = If (i <=? n) (Min m (n - i)) (TypeError (((((Text "For a matrix with shape " :<>: ShowType '[m, n]) :<>: Text ", the maximum index for an upper diagonal is ") :<>: ShowType n) :<>: Text ", but asked for index ") :<>: ShowType i)) | |
DiagSize 'Lower i m n = If (i <=? m) (Min (m - i) n) (TypeError (((((Text "For a matrix with shape " :<>: ShowType '[m, n]) :<>: Text ", the maximum index for a lower diagonal is ") :<>: ShowType m) :<>: Text ", but asked for index ") :<>: ShowType i)) |
:: forall tri index shape shape' device dtype. (KnownTri tri, KnownNat index, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype, shape' ~ DiagShape tri index shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
dtype &&& shape $ diag @'Upper @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
dtype &&& shape $ diag @'Upper @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
dtype &&& shape $ diag @'Lower @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
all See
t = all (fromJust [False, False] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
t = all (fromJust [False, True] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
t = all (fromJust [True, True] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
any See
t = any (fromJust [False, False] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
t = any (fromJust [False, True] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
t = any (fromJust [True, True] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[2])
toInt t == 1
data KeepOrDropDim Source #
KnownKeepOrDropDim 'DropDim Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownKeepOrDropDim 'KeepDim Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
class KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim where Source #
KnownKeepOrDropDim 'DropDim Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownKeepOrDropDim 'KeepDim Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
type family ConditionalDropDimension (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (keepOrDropDim :: KeepOrDropDim) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
ConditionalDropDimension '[] _ _ = TypeError (Text "The specified dimension is not available.") | |
ConditionalDropDimension (x ': xs) 0 KeepDim = 1 ': xs | |
ConditionalDropDimension (x ': xs) 0 DropDim = xs | |
ConditionalDropDimension (x ': xs) i keepOrDropDim = x ': ConditionalDropDimension xs (i - 1) keepOrDropDim |
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) | |
=> Tensor device 'Bool shape | input |
-> Tensor device 'Bool shape' | output |
allDim See
t = fromJust [[True, True], [True, False], [True, True], [True, True]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[4, 2]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Bool]) $ allDim @1 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Bool]]) $ allDim @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Bool]) $ allDim @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Bool]]) $ allDim @0 @KeepDim t
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) | |
=> Tensor device 'Bool shape | input |
-> Tensor device 'Bool shape' | output |
anyDim See
t = fromJust [[True, True], [True, False], [True, True], [True, True]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[4, 2]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Bool]) $ anyDim @1 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Bool]]) $ anyDim @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Bool]) $ anyDim @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Bool]]) $ anyDim @0 @KeepDim t
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | dropout probability |
-> Bool | whether or not to activate dropout |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) | output |
dropout TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: get rid of IO by exposing the RNG state TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the dropout probability?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]
t' <- dropout 0.5 False t
dtype &&& shape $ t'
t'' <- dropout 0.5 False t
t ==. t''
Tensor Bool [3,2] [[ 1, 1], [ 1, 1], [ 1, 1]]>>>
t''' <- dropout 0.0 True t
t ==. t'''
Tensor Bool [3,2] [[ 1, 1], [ 1, 1], [ 1, 1]]>>>
t'''' <- dropout 1.0 True t
Tensor Float [3,2] [[ 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000]]
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | dropout probability |
-> Bool | whether or not to activate dropout |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
featureDropout TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: why not IO? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the dropout probability?
c = featureDropout 0.1 True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ c
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | dropout probability |
-> Bool | whether or not to activate dropout |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
alphaDropout TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: why not IO? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the dropout probability?
c = alphaDropout 0.1 True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ c
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | dropout probability |
-> Bool | whether or not to activate dropout |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
featureAlphaDropout TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: why not IO? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the dropout probability?
c = featureAlphaDropout 0.1 True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ c
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ acos (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[kernelSize, stride, padding, channelSize, inputSize, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize] | output |
avgPool1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = avgPool1d @1 @1 @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4]
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize] | output |
adaptiveAvgPool1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = adaptiveAvgPool1d @8 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8]
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize]) | output |
adaptiveMaxPool1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
tt = adaptiveMaxPool1d @8 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16])
shape . fst $ tt
:t tt
tt :: (Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Int64 '[1, 3, 8])
:: forall shape' shape n m dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[n]) | |
=> Float | beta |
-> Float | alpha |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n, m] | matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype '[m] | vector |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
addmv TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for beta and alpha?
t = addmv 1 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3]
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | relative tolerance |
-> Double | absolute tolerance |
-> Bool | whether or not NaN equals NaN |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | other input tensor |
-> Bool | output |
allclose 0.1 0.1 True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3])
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device 'Int64 shape' | output |
argmax See
t = fromJust [[0, 1], [-1, 2], [0, 1], [0, -2]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Int]) $ argmax @1 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Int]]) $ argmax @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Int]) $ argmax @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Int]]) $ argmax @0 @KeepDim t
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device 'Int64 shape' | output |
argmin See
t = fromJust [[0, 1], [-1, 2], [0, 1], [0, -2]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Int]) $ argmin @1 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Int]]) $ argmin @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Int]) $ argmin @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Int]]) $ argmin @0 @KeepDim t
asin :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #
dtype &&& shape $ asin (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
atan :: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #
dtype &&& shape $ atan (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape' shape batchSize n m k dtype device. (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, KnownNat k, shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[batchSize, n, m]) | |
=> Float | beta |
-> Float | alpha |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, k] | first batch |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, k, m] | second batch |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
baddbmm TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = baddbmm 1 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5,3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5,2,4]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 3, 4]
:: forall batchSize n m k dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, k] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, k, m] | other input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, n, m] | output |
batched matrix multiplication TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ bmm (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5,3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5,2,4])
type family BroadcastTensorsImpl (tensors :: [a]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ... Source #
type Ty = BroadcastTensorsImpl '[] 'Nothing
:kind! Ty
Ty :: Maybe ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = 'Nothing>>>
type Ty = BroadcastTensorsImpl '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1]] 'Nothing
:kind! Ty
Ty :: Maybe ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = 'Just '( '[2, 3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = BroadcastTensorsImpl '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 1, 1]] 'Nothing
:kind! Ty
Ty :: Maybe ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = 'Just '( '[5, 2, 3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = BroadcastTensorsImpl '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 5, 1]] 'Nothing
:kind! Ty
Ty :: Maybe ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = 'Nothing
BroadcastTensorsImpl '[] 'Nothing = 'Nothing | |
BroadcastTensorsImpl '[] ('Just '(reverseShape, dtype, device)) = 'Just '(Reverse reverseShape, dtype, device) | |
BroadcastTensorsImpl (Tensor device dtype shape ': tensors) 'Nothing = BroadcastTensorsImpl tensors ('Just '(Reverse shape, dtype, device)) | |
BroadcastTensorsImpl (Tensor device dtype shape ': tensors) ('Just '(reverseShape', dtype, device)) = BroadcastTensorsImpl tensors (MaybeTriple (ComputeBroadcast (Reverse shape) reverseShape') ('Just dtype) ('Just device)) | |
BroadcastTensorsImpl (Tensor device dtype shape ': _) ('Just _) = Nothing |
type family BroadcastTensorsCheck (tensors :: [a]) (result :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: [a] where ... Source #
BroadcastTensorsCheck tensors 'Nothing = TypeError (Text "Cannot broadcast tensors due to incompatible shapes and/or dtypes: " :<>: ShowType tensors) | |
BroadcastTensorsCheck tensors ('Just '(shape, dtype, device)) = HReplicateR (ListLength tensors) (Tensor device dtype shape) |
type BroadcastTensors tensors = BroadcastTensorsCheck tensors (BroadcastTensorsImpl tensors 'Nothing) Source #
:: forall tensors tensors'. (tensors' ~ BroadcastTensors tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor], Castable (HList tensors') [ATenTensor]) | |
=> HList tensors | input list of tensors |
-> HList tensors' | output list of tensors |
broadcast tensors TODO: broadcastTensors returns garbage data and is hence broken See
x = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3]
y = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 1]
z = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5, 1, 1]
- - >>> x' :. y' :. z' :. HNil = broadcastTensors (x :. y :. z :. HNil)
- - >>> :type x'
- - x' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2, 3]
- - >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t -> D.asValue (toDynamic t) :: [[[Float]]]) $ x'
- - >>> :type y'
- - y' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2, 3]
- - >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t -> D.asValue (toDynamic t) :: [[[Float]]]) $ y'
- - >>> :type z'
- - z' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2, 3]
- - >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t -> D.asValue (toDynamic t) :: [[[Float]]]) $ z'
type family CatImpl (dim :: Nat) (tensors :: [a]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ... Source #
CatImpl _ '[] acc = acc | |
CatImpl dim (Tensor device dtype shape ': tensors) acc = CatImpl dim tensors (MaybeTriple (ComputeCatShape dim shape acc) (ComputeCatDType dtype acc) (ComputeCatDevice device acc)) |
type family ComputeCatShape (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeCatShape 0 (x ': xs) Nothing = Just (x ': xs) | |
ComputeCatShape dim (x ': xs) Nothing = AppendToMaybe x (ComputeCatShape (dim - 1) xs Nothing) | |
ComputeCatShape 0 (x ': xs) (Just '(y ': xs, _, _)) = Just ((x + y) ': xs) | |
ComputeCatShape dim (x ': xs) (Just '(x ': ys, dtype, device)) = AppendToMaybe x (ComputeCatShape (dim - 1) xs (Just '(ys, dtype, device))) | |
ComputeCatShape _ _ _ = Nothing |
type family ComputeCatDType (dtype :: DType) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe DType where ... Source #
ComputeCatDType dtype Nothing = Just dtype | |
ComputeCatDType dtype (Just '(_, dtype, _)) = Just dtype | |
ComputeCatDType _ _ = Nothing |
type family ComputeCatDevice (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (acc :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: Maybe (DeviceType, Nat) where ... Source #
ComputeCatDevice device Nothing = Just device | |
ComputeCatDevice device (Just '(_, _, device)) = Just device | |
ComputeCatDevice _ _ = Nothing |
type family CatCheck (res :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ... Source #
type Cat dim tensors = CatCheck (CatImpl dim tensors Nothing) Source #
type Ty = Cat 0 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[1], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Cat 0 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Cat 0 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 3]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[3, 3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Cat 1 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 1], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[3, 3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Cat 1 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 5, 4, 2], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1, 4, 2], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 3, 4, 2], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1, 4, 2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[2, 10, 4, 2], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))
:: forall dim shape dtype device tensors. (KnownNat dim, '(shape, dtype, device) ~ Cat dim tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor]) | |
=> HList tensors | input list of tensors |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output tensor |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
t' = cat @0 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
t' = cat @1 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
t' = cat @0 (t :. t :. t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[6, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
t' = cat @1 (t :. t :. t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 6]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
type family ChunkImpl (chunkShapes :: Maybe [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: Maybe a where ... Source #
type family ChunkCheck (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe a) :: a where ... Source #
ChunkCheck shape dim Nothing = DimOutOfBound shape dim | |
ChunkCheck _ _ (Just result) = result |
type family ComputeChunksChunkGo (n' :: Nat) (r :: Nat) (cmp :: Ordering) (cmp' :: Ordering) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeChunksChunkGo n' r GT _ = n' ': ComputeChunksChunkGo n' (r - n') (CmpNat (r - n') n') (CmpNat (r - n') 0) | |
ComputeChunksChunkGo n' r EQ _ = n' ': ComputeChunksChunkGo n' (r - n') (CmpNat (r - n') n') (CmpNat (r - n') 0) | |
ComputeChunksChunkGo n' r _ GT = '[r] | |
ComputeChunksChunkGo n' _ _ _ = '[] |
type family ComputeChunksChunkGo0 (n' :: Nat) (chunks :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeChunksChunkGo0 _ 0 = '[] | |
ComputeChunksChunkGo0 n' chunks = n' ': ComputeChunksChunkGo0 n' (chunks - 1) |
type family ComputeChunks (n :: Maybe Nat) (chunks :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeChunks (Just n) chunks = Just (ComputeChunks' n chunks (Mod n chunks)) | |
ComputeChunks Nothing _ = Nothing |
type family ComputeChunks' (n :: Nat) (chunks :: Nat) (m :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeChunks' n chunks 0 = ComputeChunksChunkGo0 (Div n chunks) chunks | |
ComputeChunks' n chunks _ = ComputeChunksChunkGo (Div ((n + chunks) - 1) chunks) n (CmpNat n (Div ((n + chunks) - 1) chunks)) (CmpNat n 0) |
type family ChunkShapesImpl (chunks :: Maybe [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Maybe [[Nat]] where ... Source #
ChunkShapesImpl (Just (n ': ns)) dim shape = AppendToMaybe' (ReplaceDim dim shape n) (ChunkShapesImpl (Just ns) dim shape) | |
ChunkShapesImpl (Just '[]) _ _ = Just '[] | |
ChunkShapesImpl Nothing _ _ = Nothing |
type ChunkShapes chunks dim shape = ChunkShapesImpl (ComputeChunks (ExtractDim dim shape) chunks) dim shape Source #
type Chunk chunks dim shape dtype device = ChunkCheck shape dim (ChunkImpl (ChunkShapes chunks dim shape) dtype device) Source #
:: forall chunks dim shape dtype device tensorChunks. (KnownNat chunks, KnownNat dim, tensorChunks ~ Chunk chunks dim shape dtype device, Castable (HList tensorChunks) [ATenTensor]) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> HList tensorChunks | output list of tensors |
- - >>> :type chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 2]) - - chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 2]) - - :: HList
- - '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1]]
>>> t0 :. t1 :. HNil = chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 2]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t0 (Float,[2,1]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t1 (Float,[2,1]) - - >>> :type chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3]) - - chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3]) - - :: HList
- - '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3]]
>>> t0 :. t1 :. t2 :. HNil = chunk
1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 0, 3]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t0 (Float,[1,0,3]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t1 (Float,[1,0,3]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t2 (Float,[1,0,3]) - - >>> :type chunk
0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[19, 4]) - - chunk
0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[19, 4]) - - :: HList
- - '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 4],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 4],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 4],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 4],
- - Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 4]]
>>> t0 :. t1 :. t2 :. t3 :. t4 :. HNil = chunk
0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[19, 4]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t0 (Float,[4,4]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t1 (Float,[4,4]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t2 (Float,[4,4]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t3 (Float,[4,4]) >>> dtype &&& shape $ t4 (Float,[3,4])
:: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a | |
=> a | minimum value |
-> a | maximum value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
clamp TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the minimum and maximum values?
dtype &&& shape $ clamp 0 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a | |
=> a | maximum value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
clampMax TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the maximum value?
dtype &&& shape $ clampMax 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device a. Scalar a | |
=> a | minimum value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
clampMin TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use D.Scalar for the minimum value?
dtype &&& shape $ clampMin 0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
cudnnIsAcceptable TODO: calling this probably makes only sense when the device is CUDA
constantPadNd1d :: forall (pad :: (Nat, Nat)) n dtype device. All KnownNat '[Fst pad, Snd pad, n] => Float -> Tensor device dtype '[n] -> Tensor device dtype '[(n + Fst pad) + Snd pad] Source #
type ConvSideCheck (inputSize :: Nat) (kernelSize :: Nat) (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) (outputSize :: Nat) = (1 <= kernelSize, 1 <= stride, (kernelSize - 1) <= (inputSize + (2 * padding)), 1 <= outputSize, outputSize ~ ConvOutputSize inputSize kernelSize stride padding) Source #
type family ConvOutputSize (inputSize :: Nat) (kernelSize :: Nat) (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #
:kind! ConvOutputSize 4 1 1 0
ConvOutputSize 4 1 1 0 :: Natural = 4
:: forall (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize] | output |
conv1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = conv1d @1 @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10, 3, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t
:: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
conv2d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = conv2d @'(1, 1) @'(0, 0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10, 3, 1, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4, 5]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[[Float]]]]) $ t
:: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize, inputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] | output |
conv3d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = conv3d @'(1, 1, 1) @'(0, 0, 0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10, 3, 1, 1, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5, 6])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4, 5, 6]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[[[Float]]]]]) $ t
convTBC :: forall padding timeSize batchSize kernelSize inputChannels outputChannels dtype device. KnownNat padding => Tensor device dtype '[kernelSize, inputChannels, outputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[timeSize, batchSize, inputChannels] -> Tensor device dtype '[((timeSize + (padding * 2)) + 1) - kernelSize, batchSize, outputChannels] Source #
convTBC TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? 1D convolution over an input of shape `[timeSize, batchSize, inputChannels]`.
:: forall (stride :: Nat) (padding :: Nat) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[stride, padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize, inputSize, batchSize, outputSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize] | output |
convTranspose1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = convTranspose1d @1 @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 10, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t
:: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, outputSize0, outputSize1], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
convTranspose2d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = convTranspose2d @'(1, 1) @'(0, 0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 10, 1, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4, 5]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[[Float]]]]) $ t
:: forall (stride :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) (padding :: (Nat, Nat, Nat)) inputChannelSize outputChannelSize kernelSize0 kernelSize1 kernelSize2 inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 kernelSize0 (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 kernelSize1 (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 kernelSize2 (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[inputChannelSize, outputChannelSize, kernelSize0, kernelSize1, kernelSize2] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputChannelSize] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputChannelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputChannelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] | output |
convTranspose3d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = convTranspose3d @'(1, 1, 1) @'(0, 0, 0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 10, 1, 1, 1]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[10]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5, 6])
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 10, 4, 5, 6]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[[[Float]]]]]) $ t
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ cosh (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family Det (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
:kind! Det '[2,2]
Det '[2,2] :: [Natural] = '[]>>>
:kind! Det '[3,2,2]
Det '[3,2,2] :: [Natural] = '[3]
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype (Det shape) | output |
det TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ det (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ det (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,2])
type family DimsDistinctAscendingCheck (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (cmp :: Ordering) :: Constraint where ... Source #
type family DimsDistinctAscending (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) :: Constraint where ... Source #
DimsDistinctAscending dim1 dim2 = DimsDistinctAscendingCheck dim1 dim2 (CmpNat dim1 dim2) |
type family DiagEmbedShapeImpl (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (n :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
DiagEmbedShapeImpl dim1 dim2 shape n = Insert dim1 n (Insert (dim2 - 1) n (Init shape)) |
type family DiagEmbedShape (index :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
DiagEmbedShape index dim1 dim2 shape = DiagEmbedShapeImpl dim1 dim2 shape (Last shape + index) |
:: forall index dim1 dim2 shape shape' device dtype. (KnownNat index, KnownNat dim1, KnownNat dim2, shape' ~ DiagEmbedShape index dim1 dim2 shape, DimsDistinctAscending dim1 dim2, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tri | |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
dtype &&& shape $ diagEmbed @0 @1 @2 Upper (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3])
dtype &&& shape $ diagEmbed @1 @0 @2 Upper (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3])
type family DiagflatShapeImpl (d :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
DiagflatShapeImpl d = '[d, d] |
type family DiagflatShape (index :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
DiagflatShape index shape = DiagflatShapeImpl (Numel shape + index) |
:: forall index shape shape' device dtype. (KnownNat index, shape' ~ DiagflatShape index shape, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tri | |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
dtype &&& shape $ diagflat @0 Upper (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3])
dtype &&& shape $ diagflat @1 Upper (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3])
dtype &&& shape $ diagflat @0 Upper (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type family NDimAtLeastCheck (ndim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (cmp :: Ordering) :: Constraint where ... Source #
NDimAtLeastCheck ndim shape 'GT = TypeError (((Text "Input must have at least " :<>: ShowType ndim) :<>: Text " dimensions, but got ") :<>: ShowType (ListLength shape)) | |
NDimAtLeastCheck _ _ _ = () |
type family NDimAtLeast (ndim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where ... Source #
NDimAtLeast ndim shape = NDimAtLeastCheck ndim shape (CmpNat ndim (ListLength shape)) |
type family DiagonalShape (tri :: Tri) (index :: Nat) (dim1 :: Nat) (dim2 :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
:: forall tri index dim1 dim2 shape shape' device dtype. (KnownTri tri, KnownNat index, KnownNat dim1, KnownNat dim2, NDimAtLeast 2 shape, DimsDistinctAscending dim1 dim2, shape' ~ DiagonalShape tri index dim1 dim2 shape, StandardDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
dtype &&& shape $ diagonal @'Upper @0 @0 @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3])
dtype &&& shape $ diagonal @'Upper @1 @0 @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3])
dtype &&& shape $ diagonal @'Lower @1 @1 @2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,5,4,2])
type family DotDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
DotDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsNotBool '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
DotDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype | |
DotDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall size dtype device. DotDTypeIsValid device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[size] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[size] | other input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | dot product |
dot product Note that this function does not broadcast.
class KnownMaybeNat (n :: Maybe Nat) where Source #
KnownMaybeNat ('Nothing :: Maybe Nat) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownNat n => KnownMaybeNat ('Just n) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
type family PaddingIdxCheck (idx :: Maybe Nat) (numEmbeds :: Nat) :: Constraint where ... Source #
PaddingIdxCheck (Just n) numEmbeds = (n + 1) <= numEmbeds | |
PaddingIdxCheck Nothing _ = () |
:: forall (paddingIdx :: Maybe Nat) numEmbeds embedDim shape dtype device. (KnownMaybeNat paddingIdx, PaddingIdxCheck paddingIdx numEmbeds) | |
=> Bool | whether or not to scale the gradient by the frequencies |
-> Bool | whether or not the embedding is sparse |
-> Tensor device dtype '[numEmbeds, embedDim] | weights |
-> Tensor device 'Int64 shape | indices |
-> Tensor device dtype (Reverse (embedDim ': Reverse shape)) | output |
embedding TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: what about sparsity here? TODO: what output dtypes are supported?
weights = fromJust [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
indices = fromJust [[0], [2], [0], [1]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[4, 1]
t = embedding @('Just 1) False False weights indices
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 1, 2]
- - libtorch 1.7
- - >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t
- - (Float,([4,1,2],[[[1.0,1.0]],[[3.0,3.0]],[[1.0,1.0]],[[2.0,2.0]]]))
- -
- - libtorch 1.8
- - The behavior of libtorch 1.8 changes. See
- - (Float,([4,1,2],[[[1.0,1.0]],[[3.0,3.0]],[[1.0,1.0]],[[0.0,0.0]]]))
- -
- - libtorch 1.8.1
- - The behavior of libtorch 1.8.1 is reverted.
- - (Float,([4,1,2],[[[1.0,1.0]],[[3.0,3.0]],[[1.0,1.0]],[[2.0,2.0]]])) >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t (Float,([4,1,2],[[[1.0,1.0]],[[3.0,3.0]],[[1.0,1.0]],[[2.0,2.0]]])) >>> t = embedding @'Nothing False False weights indices >>> :type t t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[4, 1, 2] >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t (Float,([4,1,2],[[[1.0,1.0]],[[3.0,3.0]],[[1.0,1.0]],[[2.0,2.0]]]))
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) | output |
emptyLike TODO: this seems quite unsafe, the values of this tensor will be random
t <- emptyLike (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ erfc (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
expm1 TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ expm1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape' shape dtype device. (KnownShape shape', shape' ~ Broadcast shape shape') | |
=> Bool | some boolean value with unknown function |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
TODO: figure out what the implicit
boolean value does
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2]
t' = expand @'[3, 1, 2] False t
dtype &&& shape $ t'
t'' = expand @'[3, 1, 2] True t
dtype &&& shape $ t''
toInt (all (t' ==. t'')) == 1
:: forall shape dtype device. KnownShape shape | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[Product shape] | output |
t = flattenAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[6]
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ frac (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Float | fill value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
full like
dtype &&& shape $ fullLike 3.0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Double | relative tolerance |
-> Double | absolute tolerance |
-> Bool | whether or not NaN equals NaN |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | other input tensor |
-> Tensor device 'Bool shape | output |
isclose TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ isclose 0.1 0.1 False (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device 'Bool shape | output |
is NaN TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ isNaN (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
is distributed
is floating point TODO: this can be decided statically
is complex
:: forall shape dtype device. Numel shape ~ 1 | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Bool | output |
is non-zero this operation is only defined for tensors with shape '[] or '[1]
:: forall shape shape' dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | other input tensor |
-> Bool | output |
is same size TODO: this can be decided statically
:: forall normalizedShape shape dtype device. (KnownShape normalizedShape, IsSuffixOf normalizedShape shape) | |
=> Tensor device dtype normalizedShape | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype normalizedShape | bias |
-> Double | eps |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output tensor |
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
TODO: figure out if and when CUDNN works here, tie it also to the device
t = layerNorm @'[1, 2] @'[2, 1, 2] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0) ones ones 0.01 ones
:type t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape $ t
linear :: forall batchSize inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputFeatures] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputFeatures] Source #
linear TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
w = fromJust [[-0.5, -2, 0.5], [1.5, -0.5, 0.5]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 3]
b = fromJust [0, 0.5] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2]
t = fromJust [[-2, 0.5, 1], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5, 3]
t' = linear w b t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
:: forall (inputFeatures :: Nat) (outputFeatures :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (shape' :: [Nat]) dtype device (shape'' :: [Nat]). (shape'' ~ MatMul shape '[inputFeatures, outputFeatures], shape' ~ Broadcast shape'' shape'') | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output
linear' weight bias input = Torch.Static.add (matmul input $ transpose |
linear' TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use the ATen linear function or not here?
w = fromJust [[-0.5, -2, 0.5], [1.5, -0.5, 0.5]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 3]
b = fromJust [0, 0.5] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2]
t = fromJust [[-2, 0.5, 1], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5, 3]
t' = linear' w b t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
t = fromJust [[[[-2, 0.5, 1], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0]], [[-2, 0.5, 1], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0]]]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1, 2, 5, 3]
t' = linear' w b t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 2, 5, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[[[Float]]]]) $ t'
:: forall batchSize inputFeatures outputFeatures dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures, inputFeatures] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype '[outputFeatures] | bias |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputFeatures] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, outputFeatures] | output |
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
TODO: mkldnnLinear does not return a usuable tensor value and is hence broken
TODO: figure out device
for this
w = fromJust [[-0.5, -2, 0.5], [1.5, -0.5, 0.5]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 3]
b = fromJust [0, 0.5] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2]
t = fromJust [[-2, 0.5, 1], [0.5, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, -1, 0]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[5, 3]
- - >>> t' = mkldnnLinear (toMKLDNN w) (toMKLDNN b) (toMKLDNN t)
- - >>> :type t'
- - t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[5, 2]
- - >>> dtype &&& shape &&& (t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[Float]]) $ t'
- - (Float,([5,2],[[0.5,-2.25],[-0.25,1.25],[-2.0,0.0],[0.0,0.5],[1.5,2.5]]))
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
log TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: will log throw for negative numbers or just generate NaNs? should we return a Maybe?
dtype &&& shape $ log (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape' shape dtype device. shape' ~ Det shape | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
logDet TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: will logDet throw? and if so, should we return a Maybe?
dtype &&& shape $ logDet (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ logDet (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2,2])
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, Reifies dtype DType, DTypeIsFloatingPoint device dtype, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
logarithm of the sum of the exponentials TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? See
t = fromJust [[5, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [2, 7]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[4, 2]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Float]) $ logSumExp @1 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ logSumExp @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [Float]) $ logSumExp @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ logSumExp @0 @KeepDim t
:: forall shape' shape dtype device. shape' ~ Square shape | |
=> Int | power |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
matrixPower TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: figure out input shape restrictions, should be matrix or a batched matrix TODO: figure out restrictions on the power, can it be zero or negative?
dtype &&& shape $ matrixPower 2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,4])
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
maxValues TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ maxValues @0 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape $ maxValues @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape $ maxValues @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape $ maxValues @1 @DropDim t
:: forall dim keepOrDropDim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, KnownKeepOrDropDim keepOrDropDim, shape' ~ ConditionalDropDimension shape dim keepOrDropDim) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
minValues TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ minValues @0 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape $ minValues @0 @DropDim t
dtype &&& shape $ minValues @1 @KeepDim t
dtype &&& shape $ minValues @1 @DropDim t
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize batchSize outputSize dtype device. (All KnownNat '[kernelSize, stride, padding, channelSize, inputSize, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize kernelSize stride padding outputSize) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize] | output |
maxPool1d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = maxPool1d @1 @1 @0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
maxPool2d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = maxPool2d @'(1,1) @'(1,1) @'(0,0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5]) -- Skip warning
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
TODO: does this function work, that is, does it return values without throwing? when does it work?
TODO: this should probably be only callable if the device is MKLDNN?
-- >>> t = mkldnnMaxPool2d '(1,1)
'(1,1) @'(0,0) (toMKLDNN (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5]))
-- >>> shape t
-- [1,3,4,5]
-- >>> :t t
-- t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
TODO: what are quantized functions and when are they available?
-- >>> t = quantizedMaxPool2d '(1,1)
'(1,1) @'(0,0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5])
-- >>> shape t
-- [1,3,4,5]
-- >>> :t t
-- t :: Tensor 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 kernelSize, Snd3 kernelSize, Trd3 kernelSize, Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst3 kernelSize) (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd3 kernelSize) (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 (Trd3 kernelSize) (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] | output |
maxPool3d TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = maxPool3d @'(1,1,1) @'(1,1,1) @'(0,0,0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5,6])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
:: forall a shape shape' shape'' dtype device. (Scalar a, shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape') | |
=> Tensor device 'Bool shape' | mask |
-> a | fill value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape'' | output |
maskedFill TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2, 1, 3]
m = fromJust [[False], [True], [False]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[3, 1]
t' = maskedFill @Float m 0.5 t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 3, 3]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\u -> D.asValue (toDynamic u) :: [[[Float]]]) $ t'
:: forall n k m dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[n, k] | first input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype '[k, m] | second input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n, m] | output matrix |
matrix-matrix multiplication TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ mm (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,4])
:: forall n m dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[n, m] | input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype '[m] | input vector |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n] | output vector |
matrix-vector multiplication TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ mv (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2])
type family NarrowCheck (mbCurrent :: Maybe Nat) (mbUpdated :: Maybe [Nat]) (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
NarrowCheck Nothing _ sh d _ _ = DimOutOfBound sh d | |
NarrowCheck (Just c) Nothing sh d s l = DimOutOfBound sh d | |
NarrowCheck _ (Just r) _ _ _ _ = r |
type family Narrow' (dim :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (current :: Maybe Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ... Source #
Narrow' d sh (Just c) s l = If ((s + l) <=? c) (ReplaceDim d sh l) (TypeError (((((Text "The end of the requested narrow segment " :<>: ShowType (s + l)) :<>: Text " would be larger than current size ") :<>: ShowType c) :<>: Text " at dimension ") :<>: ShowType d)) | |
Narrow' d sh Nothing s l = TypeError (((Text "Requested narrow dimension " :<>: ShowType d) :<>: Text " doesnt exist in ") :<>: ShowType sh) |
type family Narrow (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (start :: Nat) (length :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
Narrow shape dim start length = NarrowCheck (ExtractDim dim shape) (Narrow' dim shape (ExtractDim dim shape) start length) shape dim start length |
narrow :: forall dim start length shape mbSize mbNewShape dtype device. (All KnownNat '[dim, start, length], All KnownNat shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Narrow shape dim start length) Source #
Narrow a tensor by returning a tensor that is a slice from start
of length length
along dim
dtype &&& shape $ narrow @0 @0 @2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,3,3])
dtype &&& shape $ narrow @1 @1 @2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Half '[3,3,3])
dtype &&& shape $ narrow @1 @1 @2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Bool '[3,3,3])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ onesLike (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) | output |
randLike TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t <- randLike (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) | output |
randnLike TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t <- randnLike (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ reciprocal (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
TODO: probably not defined for Bool
dtype &&& shape $ neg (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
round TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors
dtype &&& shape $ round (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[] | weight |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
prelu activation function TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ prelu (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family GeluDTypeIsValid (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) (dtype :: DType) :: Constraint where ... Source #
GeluDTypeIsValid '('CPU, 0) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CPU, 0) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CPU, 0) dtype) | |
GeluDTypeIsValid '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype = (DTypeIsFloatingPoint '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype, DTypeIsNotHalf '('CUDA, deviceIndex) dtype) | |
GeluDTypeIsValid '(deviceType, _) dtype = UnsupportedDTypeForDevice deviceType dtype |
:: forall shape dtype device. GeluDTypeIsValid device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
gelu activation function
dtype &&& shape $ round (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ rsqrt (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Float | alpha |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
celu activation function TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ celu 3.0 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family StackImpl (dim :: Nat) (tensors :: [a]) (count :: Nat) :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ... Source #
StackImpl dim '[] count = Nothing | |
StackImpl dim (Tensor device dtype shape ': '[]) count = MaybeTriple (ComputeStackShape shape dim count) (Just dtype) (Just device) | |
StackImpl dim (Tensor device dtype shape ': (Tensor device dtype shape ': tensors)) count = StackImpl dim (Tensor device dtype shape ': tensors) (count + 1) | |
StackImpl _ _ _ = Nothing |
type family MaybeTriple (a' :: Maybe a) (b' :: Maybe b) (c' :: Maybe c) :: Maybe (a, b, c) where ... Source #
MaybeTriple Nothing _ _ = Nothing | |
MaybeTriple _ Nothing _ = Nothing | |
MaybeTriple _ _ Nothing = Nothing | |
MaybeTriple (Just a') (Just b') (Just c') = Just '(a', b', c') |
type family ComputeStackShape (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (count :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ... Source #
ComputeStackShape _ _ 0 = Nothing | |
ComputeStackShape xs 0 count = Just (count ': xs) | |
ComputeStackShape (x ': xs) dim count = AppendToMaybe x (ComputeStackShape xs (dim - 1) count) | |
ComputeStackShape '[] _ _ = Nothing |
type family StackCheck (res :: Maybe ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat))) :: ([Nat], DType, (DeviceType, Nat)) where ... Source #
StackCheck 'Nothing = TypeError (Text "Stacking impossible.") | |
StackCheck ('Just '(shape, dtype, device)) = '(shape, dtype, device) |
type Stack dim tensors = StackCheck (StackImpl dim tensors 1) Source #
type Ty = Stack 0 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[1], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Stack 0 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[1, 2, 2], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Stack 1 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[2, 1, 2], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Stack 2 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[2, 2, 1], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))>>>
type Ty = Stack 2 '[Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2], Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2,2]]
:kind! Ty
Ty :: ([Natural], D.DType, (D.DeviceType, Natural)) = '( '[2, 2, 3], 'D.Float, '( 'D.CPU, 0))
:: forall dim shape dtype device tensors. (KnownNat dim, '(shape, dtype, device) ~ Stack dim tensors, Castable (HList tensors) [ATenTensor]) | |
=> HList tensors | input list of tensors |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[]
t' = stack @0 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [Float]) $ t'
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]
t' = stack @0 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 2, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t'
t' = stack @1 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 1, 2]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t'
t' = stack @2 (t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 2, 1]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t'
t' = stack @2 (t :. t :. t :. HNil)
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[2, 2, 3]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t'' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t'') :: [[[Float]]]) $ t'
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ t ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '3,2
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ tan (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
trunc TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ trunc (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family UnsqueezeImpl (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [a] where ... Source #
:kind! UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 0
UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 0 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Just '[1, 4]>>>
:kind! UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 1
UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 1 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Just '[4, 1]>>>
:kind! UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 2
UnsqueezeImpl '[4] 2 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Nothing
UnsqueezeImpl xs 0 = Just (1 ': xs) | |
UnsqueezeImpl (x ': xs) dim = AppendToMaybe x (UnsqueezeImpl xs (dim - 1)) | |
UnsqueezeImpl '[] _ = Nothing |
type family UnsqueezeCheck (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
UnsqueezeCheck shape dim Nothing = TypeError ((((Text "Cannot unsqueeze the tensor since the specified dimension " :<>: ShowType dim) :<>: Text " is too large (the tensor is only ") :<>: ShowType (ListLength shape)) :<>: Text "D)") | |
UnsqueezeCheck _ _ (Just shape') = shape' |
type Unsqueeze shape dim = UnsqueezeCheck shape dim (UnsqueezeImpl shape dim) Source #
:: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ Unsqueeze shape dim) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
t = fromJust [1, 2, 3, 4] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[4]
t' = unsqueeze @0 t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Int64 '[1, 4]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\u -> D.asValue (toDynamic u) :: [[Int]]) $ t'
t'' = unsqueeze @1 t
:type t''
t'' :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Int64 '[4, 1]>>>
dtype &&& shape &&& (\u -> D.asValue (toDynamic u) :: [[Int]]) $ t''
type family SqueezeAll (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
SqueezeAll '[] = '[] | |
SqueezeAll (1 ': xs) = SqueezeAll xs | |
SqueezeAll (x ': xs) = x ': SqueezeAll xs |
:: forall shape shape' dtype device. shape' ~ SqueezeAll shape | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
squeeze all dimensions
dtype &&& shape $ squeezeAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,1,2,1,2])
squeezeAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,1,2,1,2])
Tensor Float [2,2,2] [[[ 1.0000 , 1.0000 ], [ 1.0000 , 1.0000 ]], [[ 1.0000 , 1.0000 ], [ 1.0000 , 1.0000 ]]]
type family SqueezeDimImpl (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [a] where ... Source #
SqueezeDimImpl (1 ': xs) 0 = Just xs | |
SqueezeDimImpl _ 0 = Nothing | |
SqueezeDimImpl (x ': xs) dim = AppendToMaybe x (SqueezeDimImpl xs (dim - 1)) | |
SqueezeDimImpl _ _ = Nothing |
type family SqueezeDimCheck (shape :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
SqueezeDimCheck shape dim Nothing = TypeError (Text "The tensor cannot be squeezed at the specified dimension " :<>: ShowType dim) | |
SqueezeDimCheck _ _ ('Just shape') = shape' |
type SqueezeDim shape dim = SqueezeDimCheck shape dim (SqueezeDimImpl shape dim) Source #
Calculate the output shape of a squeeze along a given dimension
:kind! SqueezeDim '[2,1,2] 1
SqueezeDim '[2,1,2] 1 :: [Natural] = '[2, 2]
:: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ SqueezeDim shape dim) | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
squeeze a particular dimension
dtype &&& shape $ squeezeDim @1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,1,2,1,2])
dtype &&& shape $ squeezeDim @3 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,1,2,1,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ zerosLike (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5])
clone :: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape -> IO (Tensor device dtype shape) Source #
t <- clone (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:: forall shape' shape n k m dtype device. (All KnownNat '[n, k, m], shape' ~ Broadcast shape '[n, m]) | |
=> Float | beta |
-> Float | alpha |
-> Tensor device dtype '[n, k] | first input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype '[k, m] | second input matrix |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input tensor |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output tensor |
addmm TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: can we use D.Scalar here for beta and alpha?
t = addmm 1 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,4]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[])
dtype &&& shape $ t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[3, 4]
numel TODO: since this is decidable at compile time, this should probably be calculated from the tensor type instead
qScale TODO: are there any restrictions on the dtype?
qZeroPoint TODO: are there any restrictions on the dtype?
data RNNDirectionality Source #
The directional specification of a recurrent function
Bidirectional | Forward and backward along the sequential axis using independant parameters for each. |
Unidirectional | Forward along the sequential axis. |
Generic RNNDirectionality Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods from :: RNNDirectionality -> Rep RNNDirectionality x Source # to :: Rep RNNDirectionality x -> RNNDirectionality Source # | |
Show RNNDirectionality Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional | |
type Rep RNNDirectionality Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional |
type family NumberOfDirections (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: Nat where ... Source #
NumberOfDirections Bidirectional = 2 | |
NumberOfDirections Unidirectional = 1 |
class KnownRNNDirectionality (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) where Source #
KnownRNNDirectionality 'Bidirectional Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods | |
KnownRNNDirectionality 'Unidirectional Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods |
data RNNShapeOrder Source #
Specification for the sequential axis of a recurrent function.
BatchFirst | Input is of shape (Batch, Sequence, Features) |
SequenceFirst | Input is of shape (Sequence, Batch, Features) |
Generic RNNShapeOrder Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods from :: RNNShapeOrder -> Rep RNNShapeOrder x Source # to :: Rep RNNShapeOrder x -> RNNShapeOrder Source # | |
Show RNNShapeOrder Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional | |
type Rep RNNShapeOrder Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional |
class KnownRNNShapeOrder (shapeOrder :: RNNShapeOrder) where Source #
rnnBatchFirst :: Bool Source #
KnownRNNShapeOrder 'BatchFirst Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods rnnBatchFirst :: Bool Source # | |
KnownRNNShapeOrder 'SequenceFirst Source # | |
Defined in Torch.Typed.Functional Methods rnnBatchFirst :: Bool Source # |
type family RNNShape (shapeOrder :: RNNShapeOrder) (seqLen :: Nat) (batchSize :: Nat) (featureSize :: Nat) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
RNNShape BatchFirst seqLen batchSize featureSize = '[batchSize, seqLen, featureSize] | |
RNNShape SequenceFirst seqLen batchSize featureSize = '[seqLen, batchSize, featureSize] |
type LSTMWIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize, inputSize] Source #
type LSTMWHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] Source #
type LSTMBIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize] Source #
type LSTMBHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[4 * hiddenSize] Source #
type family LSTMRImpl (inputSize :: Nat) (hiddenSize :: Nat) (numLayers :: Nat) (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: [[Nat]] where ... Source #
LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize 1 'Unidirectional = '[LSTMWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBHShape hiddenSize inputSize] | |
LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers 'Unidirectional = LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize (numLayers - 1) 'Unidirectional ++ '[LSTMWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), LSTMWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), LSTMBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), LSTMBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional)] | |
LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize 1 'Bidirectional = '[LSTMWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBHShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, LSTMBHShape hiddenSize inputSize] | |
LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers 'Bidirectional = LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize (numLayers - 1) 'Bidirectional ++ '[LSTMWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), LSTMBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional)] |
type family LSTMR' (shapes :: [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: [a] where ... Source #
type LSTMR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device = LSTMR' (LSTMRImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality) dtype device Source #
lstm :: forall shapeOrder directionality numLayers seqLen batchSize inputSize outputSize hiddenSize inputShape outputShape hxShape tensorParameters dtype device. (KnownNat numLayers, KnownRNNShapeOrder shapeOrder, KnownRNNDirectionality directionality, outputSize ~ (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections directionality), inputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize inputSize, outputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize outputSize, hxShape ~ '[numLayers * NumberOfDirections directionality, batchSize, hiddenSize], tensorParameters ~ LSTMR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device, Castable (HList tensorParameters) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensorParameters -> Double -> Bool -> (Tensor device dtype hxShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape) -> Tensor device dtype inputShape -> (Tensor device dtype outputShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape, Tensor device dtype hxShape) Source #
Parameters for this ATen function are non-trivially provided. See the
module for doctests.
lstmCell :: forall inputSize hiddenSize batchSize dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[4 * hiddenSize] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize], Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize]) -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputSize] -> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize], Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize]) Source #
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ lstmCell (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[12,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[12,3]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[12]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[12]) ((ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3]), (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3])) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type GRUWIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize, inputSize] Source #
type GRUWHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] Source #
type GRUBIShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize] Source #
type GRUBHShape hiddenSize inputSize = '[3 * hiddenSize] Source #
type family GRURImpl (inputSize :: Nat) (hiddenSize :: Nat) (numLayers :: Nat) (directionality :: RNNDirectionality) :: [[Nat]] where ... Source #
GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize 1 'Unidirectional = '[GRUWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBHShape hiddenSize inputSize] | |
GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers 'Unidirectional = GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize (numLayers - 1) 'Unidirectional ++ '[GRUWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), GRUWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), GRUBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional), GRUBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Unidirectional)] | |
GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize 1 'Bidirectional = '[GRUWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBHShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUWIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUWHShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBIShape hiddenSize inputSize, GRUBHShape hiddenSize inputSize] | |
GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers 'Bidirectional = GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize (numLayers - 1) 'Bidirectional ++ '[GRUWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUWIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUWHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUBIShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional), GRUBHShape hiddenSize (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections 'Bidirectional)] |
type family GRUR' (shapes :: [[Nat]]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: [a] where ... Source #
type GRUR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device = GRUR' (GRURImpl inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality) dtype device Source #
gru :: forall shapeOrder directionality numLayers seqLen batchSize inputSize outputSize hiddenSize inputShape outputShape hcShape tensorParameters dtype device. (KnownNat numLayers, KnownRNNShapeOrder shapeOrder, KnownRNNDirectionality directionality, outputSize ~ (hiddenSize * NumberOfDirections directionality), inputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize inputSize, outputShape ~ RNNShape shapeOrder seqLen batchSize outputSize, hcShape ~ '[numLayers * NumberOfDirections directionality, batchSize, hiddenSize], tensorParameters ~ GRUR inputSize hiddenSize numLayers directionality dtype device, Castable (HList tensorParameters) [ATenTensor]) => HList tensorParameters -> Double -> Bool -> Tensor device dtype hcShape -> Tensor device dtype inputShape -> (Tensor device dtype outputShape, Tensor device dtype hcShape) Source #
Parameters for this ATen function are non-trivially provided. See the
module for doctests.
gruCell :: forall inputSize hiddenSize batchSize dtype device. Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[3 * hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, inputSize] -> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, hiddenSize] Source #
dtype &&& shape $ gruCell (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[9,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[9,3]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[9]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[9]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type family MatrixOrMatrixBatch (shape :: [Nat]) :: [Nat] where ... Source #
MatrixOrMatrixBatch (n ': (m ': '[])) = '[n, m] | |
MatrixOrMatrixBatch (b ': (n ': (m ': '[]))) = '[b, n, m] | |
MatrixOrMatrixBatch _ = TypeError (Text "The input must be matrix or a batch of matrices.") |
:: forall shape dtype device. shape ~ MatrixOrMatrixBatch shape | |
=> Int | diagonal |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
triu TODO: triu is not implemented for D.Bool, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 4]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ triu 0 t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ triu 1 t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ triu (-1) t
:: forall shape dtype device. shape ~ MatrixOrMatrixBatch shape | |
=> Int | diagonal |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
tril TODO: tril is not implemented for D.Bool, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3, 4]
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ tril 0 t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ tril 1 t
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t' -> D.asValue (toDynamic t') :: [[Float]]) $ tril (-1) t
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ trace (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
maskedSelect :: forall shape shape' shape'' dtype device. shape'' ~ Broadcast shape shape' => Tensor device 'Bool shape -> Tensor device dtype shape' -> UnknownShapeTensor device dtype Source #
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ nonzero (zeros :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
type family GatherDimImpl (shape :: [Nat]) (shape' :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) :: Maybe [Nat] where ... Source #
:kind! GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 4, 1] 1
GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 4, 1] 1 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Just '[2, 4, 1]>>>
:kind! GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 4, 2] 1
GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 4, 2] 1 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Nothing>>>
:kind! GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 0, 1] 1
GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 0, 1] 1 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Nothing>>>
:kind! GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1] 1
GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1] 1 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Nothing>>>
:kind! GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1, 3] 2
GatherDimImpl '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1, 3] 2 :: Maybe [Natural] = 'Just '[2, 1, 3]
GatherDimImpl (x ': xs) (y ': xs) 0 = If (1 <=? y) (Just (y ': xs)) Nothing | |
GatherDimImpl (x ': xs) (x ': ys) dim = AppendToMaybe x (GatherDimImpl xs ys (dim - 1)) | |
GatherDimImpl _ _ _ = Nothing |
type family GatherDimCheck (shape :: [a]) (shape' :: [a]) (dim :: Nat) (result :: Maybe [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
type GatherDim shape shape' dim = GatherDimCheck shape shape' dim (GatherDimImpl shape shape' dim) Source #
Calculate the output shape of a gather operation for a given index shape along a given axis
:kind! GatherDim '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1, 3] 2
GatherDim '[2, 1, 1] '[2, 1, 3] 2 :: [Natural] = '[2, 1, 3]
:: forall dim shape shape' dtype device. (KnownNat dim, shape' ~ GatherDim shape shape' dim) | |
=> Tensor device 'Int64 shape' | the indices of elements to gather |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape' | output |
gather values along an axis for a specified dimension.
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
lgamma function
dtype &&& shape $ lgamma (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
digamma function
dtype &&& shape $ digamma (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Int | order |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
polygamma function TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
inverse of the error function
dtype &&& shape $ erfinv (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
dtype &&& shape $ minAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
type family DropNamedValue (shape :: Shape) (i :: Size) :: Shape where ... Source #
DropNamedValue '[] _ = TypeError (Text "Can not find a element in the list.") | |
DropNamedValue (x ': xs) x = xs | |
DropNamedValue (x ': xs) y = x ': DropNamedValue xs y |
:: forall d shape dtype device. KnownNat d | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype (DropValue shape d), Tensor device 'Int64 (DropValue shape d)) | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ minDim @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ minDim @1 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ minDim @2 t
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[] | output |
dtype &&& shape $ maxAll (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall d shape dtype device. KnownNat d | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype (DropValue shape d), Tensor device 'Int64 (DropValue shape d)) | output |
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ maxDim @0 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ maxDim @1 t
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ maxDim @2 t
sortDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, HasDim dim shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> (Tensor device dtype shape, Tensor device Int64 shape) Source #
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ sortDim @0 True t
dtype &&& shape $ snd $ sortDim @0 True t
sortNamedDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. KnownNat (FindDim dim shape) => Bool -> NamedTensor device dtype shape -> (NamedTensor device dtype shape, NamedTensor device Int64 shape) Source #
import Torch.Typed.Factories
import Data.Default.Class
t = def :: NamedTensor '( D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[Vector 3, Vector 4, Vector 5]
dtype &&& shape $ fst $ sortNamedDim @(Vector 3) True t
dtype &&& shape $ snd $ sortNamedDim @(Vector 3) True t
argSortDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. (KnownNat dim, HasDim dim shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device Int64 shape Source #
t = ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,4,5]
dtype &&& shape $ argSortDim @0 True t
argSortNamedDim :: forall dim shape dtype device. KnownNat (FindDim dim shape) => Bool -> NamedTensor device dtype shape -> NamedTensor device Int64 shape Source #
type family TopKCheck (k :: Nat) (shape :: [Nat]) (dim :: Nat) (satd :: Maybe Nat) (result :: Maybe a) :: a where ... Source #
type TopK k shape dim = TopKCheck k shape dim (ExtractDim dim shape) (ReplaceDim dim shape k) Source #
type family TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck dtype (device :: (DeviceType, Nat)) :: Constraint where ... Source #
TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck Bool _ = TypeError (Text "topk is not defined for Bool tensors.") | |
TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck Half '(CPU, _) = TypeError (Text "topk is not defined for Half types on CPU.") | |
TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck _ _ = () |
:: forall k dim shape' shape dtype device. (KnownNat k, KnownNat dim, All KnownNat shape, TopKDeviceAndDTypeCheck dtype device, shape' ~ TopK k shape dim) | |
=> Bool | if we're returning the top k largest (or, if False, the top k smallest) |
-> Bool | if the resulting k elements are themselves sorted |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype shape', Tensor device 'Int64 shape') | output |
Returns the k largest (if largest is True
) elements of the given input tensor along a given dimension.
topk @3 @1 True True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3])
(Tensor Float [2,3] [[ 1.0000 , 1.0000 , 1.0000 ], [ 1.0000 , 1.0000 , 1.0000 ]],Tensor Int64 [2,3] [[ 0, 1, 2], [ 0, 1, 2]])>>>
topk @0 @1 True True (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3])
(Tensor Float [2,0] [[], []],Tensor Int64 [2,0] [[], []])
:: forall shape dtype device. Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
dtype &&& shape $ alias (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | prediciton |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | target |
-> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction) | loss |
L1 loss TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ l1Loss @ReduceNone (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ l1Loss @ReduceSum (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall reduction n c ds dtype device. (KnownReduction reduction, KnownNat n, KnownNat c, KnownShape ds) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[c] | weight |
-> Int | ignore which index |
-> Tensor device dtype (n ': (c ': ds)) | prediction |
-> Tensor device 'Int64 (n ': ds) | target |
-> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction (n ': ds) reduction) | loss |
negative log likelihood loss TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? See
input <- randn @'[3, 5] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
target = fromJust [1, 0, 4] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3]
weight = ones @'[5] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceNone @3 @5 @'[] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceMean @3 @5 @'[] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
input <- randn @'[3, 5, 2] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
target = fromJust [[1, 1], [0, 1], [4, 0]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3, 2]
weight = ones @'[5] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceNone @3 @5 @'[2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceMean @3 @5 @'[2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
input <- randn @'[3, 5, 1, 2] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
target = fromJust [[[1, 1]], [[0, 1]], [[4, 0]]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3, 1, 2]
weight = ones @'[5] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceNone @3 @5 @'[1, 2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceMean @3 @5 @'[1, 2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
input <- randn @'[3, 5, 2, 1, 2] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
target = fromJust [[[[1, 1]], [[0, 2]]], [[[0, 1]], [[1, 0]]], [[[4, 0]], [[1, 2]]]] :: CPUTensor 'D.Int64 '[3, 2, 1, 2]
weight = ones @'[5] @'D.Float @'( 'D.CPU, 0)
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceNone @3 @5 @'[2, 1, 2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
dtype &&& shape $ nllLoss @ReduceMean @3 @5 @'[2, 1, 2] weight (-100) (logSoftmax @1 input) target
:: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | prediction |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | target |
-> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction) | loss |
smooth L1 loss TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ smoothL1Loss @ReduceNone (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ smoothL1Loss @ReduceSum (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall reduction shape dtype device. KnownReduction reduction | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | prediction |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | target |
-> Tensor device dtype (ConditionalReduction shape reduction) | loss |
soft margin loss TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ softMarginLoss @ReduceNone (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
dtype &&& shape $ softMarginLoss @ReduceSum (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2]) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,2])
:: forall shape dtype a device. (Scalar a, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> a | alpha |
-> a | scale |
-> a | input scale |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
elu TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ elu 0.1 0.1 0.3 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Float | minimum value |
-> Float | maximum value |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
glu -- >>> dtype &&& shape $ glu (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) 1 -- (Float,[3,1]) -- >>> dtype &&& shape $ glu (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2]) 3 -- (Float,[3,2]) glu :: Tensor device dtype shape -> Int -> Tensor device dtype shape glu _input _dim = unsafePerformIO $ (ATen.cast2 ATen.Managed.glu_tl) _input _dim
hard tanh TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ hardTanh 0 1 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall a shape dtype device. (Scalar a, StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype) | |
=> a | negative slope |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
leaky relu
dtype &&& shape $ leakyRelu 0.01 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. StandardFloatingPointDTypeValidation device dtype | |
=> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
logarithm of the sigmoid
dtype &&& shape $ logSigmoid (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
softplus :: forall a shape dtype device. Scalar a => a -> a -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype shape Source #
softplus TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? See
dtype &&& shape &&& (\t -> D.asValue (toDynamic t) :: [[Float]]) $ softplus 1 20 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall shape dtype device. Float | lambda |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | input |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | output |
soft shrink TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
dtype &&& shape $ softShrink 0.2 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[3,2])
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] | output |
adaptive averaged 2-D pooling TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = adaptiveAvgPool2d @'(8,16) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16,32])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8, 16]
mkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d Source #
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] | output |
MKLDNN adaptive averaged 2-D pooling TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted? TODO: broken? TODO: only defined for MKLDNN device? TODO: test for availability of MKLDNN device? TODO: merge with adaptiveAvgPool2d and dispatch based on (availability of MKLDNN) device in the function body?
- - >>> t = mkldnnAdaptiveAvgPool2d @'(8,16) (toMKLDNN (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16,32]))
- - >>> shape t
- - [1,3,8,16]
- - >>> :t t
- - t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8, 16]
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize] | output |
adaptive averaged 3-D pooling TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = adaptiveAvgPool3d @'(8,16,2) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16,32,4])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8, 16, 2]
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst outputSize, Snd outputSize]) | output |
adaptive 2-D max-pool TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
(t, t') = adaptiveMaxPool2d @'(8,16) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16,32])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8, 16]
:: forall outputSize channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize dtype device. All KnownNat '[channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize] | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> (Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize], Tensor device 'Int64 '[batchSize, channelSize, Fst3 outputSize, Snd3 outputSize, Trd3 outputSize]) | output |
adaptive 3-D max-pool TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
(t, t') = adaptiveMaxPool3d @'(8,16,2) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,16,32,4])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 8, 16, 2]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst kernelSize, Snd kernelSize, Fst stride, Snd stride, Fst padding, Snd padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst kernelSize) (Fst stride) (Fst padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd kernelSize) (Snd stride) (Snd padding) outputSize1) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1] | output |
averaged 2-D pooling TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = avgPool2d @'(1,1) @'(1,1) @'(0,0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5]
:: forall kernelSize stride padding channelSize inputSize0 inputSize1 inputSize2 batchSize outputSize0 outputSize1 outputSize2 dtype device. (All KnownNat '[Fst3 kernelSize, Snd3 kernelSize, Trd3 kernelSize, Fst3 stride, Snd3 stride, Trd3 stride, Fst3 padding, Snd3 padding, Trd3 padding, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2, batchSize], ConvSideCheck inputSize0 (Fst3 kernelSize) (Fst3 stride) (Fst3 padding) outputSize0, ConvSideCheck inputSize1 (Snd3 kernelSize) (Snd3 stride) (Snd3 padding) outputSize1, ConvSideCheck inputSize2 (Trd3 kernelSize) (Trd3 stride) (Trd3 padding) outputSize2) | |
=> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, inputSize0, inputSize1, inputSize2] | input |
-> Tensor device dtype '[batchSize, channelSize, outputSize0, outputSize1, outputSize2] | output |
averaged 3-D pooling TODO: probably only defined for floating point tensors, or maybe numeric type is lifted?
t = avgPool3d @'(1,1,1) @'(1,1,1) @'(0,0,0) (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[1,3,4,5,6])
shape t
:t t
t :: Tensor '( 'D.CPU, 0) 'D.Float '[1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
type family Upsample2dCheck shape h w where ... Source #
Upsample2dCheck (b ': (c ': (w ': (h ': '[])))) h' w' = If (h <=? h') (If (w <=? w') (b ': (c ': (w' ': (h' ': '[])))) (TypeError (Text "Target width must be greater than current width!"))) (TypeError (Text "Target height must be greater than current height!")) | |
Upsample2dCheck _ _ _ = TypeError (Text "Shape must be 4 dimensional!") |
type Upsample2d shape h w = Upsample2dCheck shape h w Source #
:: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) | |
=> Bool | if True, the corner pixels of the input and output tensors are aligned, and thus preserving the values at those pixels. |
-> Tensor device dtype shape | |
-> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w) |
Applies a 2D bilinear upsampling to an input signal composed of several input channels.
(dtype &&& shape) $ upsample_bilinear2d @3 @5 False (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3,2,2])
upsample_bicubic2d :: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) => Bool -> Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w) Source #
Applies a 2D bicubic upsampling to an input signal composed of several input channels.
(dtype &&& shape) $ upsample_bicubic2d @3 @5 False (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3,2,2])
upsample_nearest2d :: forall w h shape dtype device. (KnownNat h, KnownNat w, All KnownNat shape) => Tensor device dtype shape -> Tensor device dtype (Upsample2d shape h w) Source #
Applies a 2D bicubic upsampling to an input signal composed of several input channels.
(dtype &&& shape) $ upsample_nearest2d @3 @5 (ones :: CPUTensor 'D.Float '[2,3,2,2])