{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Torch.GraduallyTyped.NN.Functional.Linear where

import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, Symbol, TypeError)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.DType (DType (..), DataType (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Device (Device (..), DeviceType (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Layout (Layout (..), LayoutType (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Prelude (Reverse, Seq)
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.RequiresGradient (Gradient (..), RequiresGradient (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Shape.Type (Dim (..), Name (..), Shape (..), Size (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Tensor.Type (Tensor)
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Unify (type (<+>), type (<|>))
import Torch.Internal.Cast (cast2, cast3)
import qualified Torch.Internal.Managed.Native as ATen
import Type.Errors.Pretty (type (%), type (<>))

-- $setup
-- >>> import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Prelude.List (SList (..))
-- >>> import Torch.GraduallyTyped

-- | Compute the output shape of a linear transformation.
-- >>> type InputDim = 'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 5)
-- >>> type OutputDim = 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 10)
-- >>> type BatchDim = 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 20)
-- >>> type WeightShape = 'Shape '[OutputDim, InputDim]
-- >>> type BiasShape = 'Shape '[OutputDim]
-- >>> type InputShape = 'Shape '[BatchDim, InputDim]
-- >>> :kind! LinearWithBiasF WeightShape BiasShape InputShape
-- LinearWithBiasF WeightShape BiasShape InputShape :: Shape
--                                                       [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Natural)]
-- = 'Shape
--     '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 20),
--        'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 10)]
type family LinearWithBiasF (weightShape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (biasShape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (inputShape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where
  LinearWithBiasF ('Shape '[]) _ _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage '[])
  LinearWithBiasF ('Shape '[weightDim]) _ _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage '[weightDim])
  LinearWithBiasF ('Shape (weightDim ': weightDim' ': weightDim'' ': weightDims)) _ _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage (weightDim ': weightDim' ': weightDim'' ': weightDims))
  LinearWithBiasF _ ('Shape '[]) _ = TypeError (LinearBiasDimsErrorMessage '[])
  LinearWithBiasF _ ('Shape (biasDim ': biasDim' ': biasDims)) _ = TypeError (LinearBiasDimsErrorMessage (biasDim ': biasDim' ': biasDims))
  LinearWithBiasF _ _ ('Shape '[]) = TypeError LinearInputDimsErrorMessage
  LinearWithBiasF ('Shape weightDims) ('Shape biasDims) ('Shape inputDims) = 'Shape (Reverse (LinearWithBiasDimsF weightDims biasDims (Reverse inputDims)))
  LinearWithBiasF 'UncheckedShape _ _ = 'UncheckedShape
  LinearWithBiasF _ 'UncheckedShape _ = 'UncheckedShape
  LinearWithBiasF _ _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape

type family LinearWithBiasDimsF (weightDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (biasDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (reversedInputDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where
  LinearWithBiasDimsF '[outputDim, inputDim] '[outputDim'] (inputDim' ': reversedInputDims) = Seq (inputDim <+> inputDim') (outputDim <+> outputDim' ': reversedInputDims)

type LinearInputDimsErrorMessage =
  "Cannot apply the linear transformation."
    % "The input tensor does not have the minimum required number of dimensions."
    % "At least one dimension is needed, but none were found."

type LinearBiasDimsErrorMessage (biasDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) =
  "Cannot apply the linear transformation."
    % "The bias tensor must have exactly one dimension,"
    % "but the following dimensions were found:"
    % ""
    % "    " <> biasDims <> "."
    % ""

type LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage (weightDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) =
  "Cannot apply the linear transformation."
    % "The weight tensor must have exactly two dimensions,"
    % "but the following dimensions were found:"
    % ""
    % "    " <> weightDims <> "."
    % ""

-- | Applies a linear transformation to the incoming data:
-- \[
-- \mathrm{output} = \mathrm{input} \mathrm{weight}^{\intercal} + \mathrm{bias}.
-- \]
-- Supported shapes:
--     * 'input': \((N, \ldots, \mathrm{inputFeatures})\), where \(N\) is the batch size,
--     \(\ldots\) means any number of additional dimensions and
--     \(\mathrm{inputFeatures}\) are the input features.
--     * 'weight': \((\mathrm{outputFeatures}, \mathrm{inputFeatures})\)
--     * 'bias': \((\mathrm{outputFeatures})\)
--     * 'output': \((N, \ldots, \mathrm{outputFeatures})\)
-- Examples:
-- >>> inputDim = SName @"input" :&: SSize @5
-- >>> outputDim = SName @"output" :&: SSize @10
-- >>> batchDim = SName @"batch" :&: SSize @20
-- >>> weightShape = SShape $ outputDim :|: inputDim :|: SNil
-- >>> biasShape = SShape $ outputDim :|: SNil
-- >>> inputShape = SShape $ batchDim :|: inputDim :|: SNil
-- >>> g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
-- >>> sRandn' = sRandn . TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat)
-- >>> (weight, g') <- sRandn' weightShape g
-- [W TensorImpl.h:1463] Warning: Named tensors and all their associated APIs are an experimental feature and subject to change. Please do not use them for anything important until they are released as stable. (function operator())
-- >>> (bias, g'') <- sRandn' biasShape g'
-- >>> (input, _) <- sRandn' inputShape g''
-- >>> result = linearWithBias weight bias input
-- >>> :type result
-- result
--   :: Tensor
--        ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient)
--        ('Layout 'Dense)
--        ('Device 'CPU)
--        ('DataType 'Float)
--        ('Shape
--           '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 20),
--              'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 10)])
linearWithBias ::
  forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' gradient'' layout'' device'' dataType'' shape''.
  -- | weight
  Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape ->
  -- | bias
  Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' ->
  -- | input
  Tensor gradient'' layout'' device'' dataType'' shape'' ->
  -- | output
    (gradient' <|> gradient'' <|> gradient'')
    (layout <+> (layout' <+> layout''))
    (device <+> (device' <+> device''))
    (dataType <+> (dataType' <+> dataType''))
    (LinearWithBiasF shape shape' shape'')
linearWithBias :: forall (gradient :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout :: Layout LayoutType) (device :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType :: DataType DType)
       (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)])
       (gradient' :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout' :: Layout LayoutType) (device' :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType' :: DataType DType)
       (shape' :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)])
       (gradient'' :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout'' :: Layout LayoutType)
       (device'' :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType'' :: DataType DType)
       (shape'' :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]).
Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
-> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
-> Tensor gradient'' layout'' device'' dataType'' shape''
-> Tensor
     (gradient' <|> (gradient'' <|> gradient''))
     (layout <+> (layout' <+> layout''))
     (device <+> (device' <+> device''))
     (dataType <+> (dataType' <+> dataType''))
     (LinearWithBiasF shape shape' shape'')
linearWithBias Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
weight Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
bias Tensor gradient'' layout'' device'' dataType'' shape''
input = forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a ca x1 cx1 x2 cx2 y cy.
(Castable a ca, Castable x1 cx1, Castable x2 cx2, Castable y cy) =>
(ca -> cx1 -> cx2 -> IO cy) -> a -> x1 -> x2 -> IO y
cast3 ForeignPtr Tensor
-> ForeignPtr Tensor -> ForeignPtr Tensor -> IO (ForeignPtr Tensor)
ATen.linear_ttt Tensor gradient'' layout'' device'' dataType'' shape''
input Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
weight Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'

type family LinearWithoutBiasF (weightShape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (inputShape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where
  LinearWithoutBiasF ('Shape '[]) _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage '[])
  LinearWithoutBiasF ('Shape '[weightDim]) _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage '[weightDim])
  LinearWithoutBiasF ('Shape (weightDim ': weightDim' ': weightDim'' ': weightDims)) _ = TypeError (LinearWeightDimsErrorMessage (weightDim ': weightDim' ': weightDim'' ': weightDims))
  LinearWithoutBiasF _ ('Shape '[]) = TypeError LinearInputDimsErrorMessage
  LinearWithoutBiasF ('Shape weightDims) ('Shape inputDims) = 'Shape (Reverse (LinearWithoutBiasDimsF weightDims (Reverse inputDims)))
  LinearWithoutBiasF 'UncheckedShape _ = 'UncheckedShape
  LinearWithoutBiasF _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape

type family LinearWithoutBiasDimsF (weightDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (reversedInputDims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where
  LinearWithoutBiasDimsF '[outputDim, inputDim] (inputDim' ': reversedInputDims) = Seq (inputDim <+> inputDim') (outputDim ': reversedInputDims)

linearWithoutBias ::
  forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'.
  -- | weight
  Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape ->
  -- | input
  Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' ->
  -- | output
    (gradient <|> gradient')
    (layout <+> layout')
    (device <+> device')
    (dataType <+> dataType')
    (LinearWithoutBiasF shape shape')
linearWithoutBias :: forall (gradient :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout :: Layout LayoutType) (device :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType :: DataType DType)
       (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)])
       (gradient' :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout' :: Layout LayoutType) (device' :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType' :: DataType DType)
       (shape' :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]).
Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
-> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
-> Tensor
     (gradient <|> gradient')
     (layout <+> layout')
     (device <+> device')
     (dataType <+> dataType')
     (LinearWithoutBiasF shape shape')
linearWithoutBias Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
weight Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
input = forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a ca x1 cx1 y cy.
(Castable a ca, Castable x1 cx1, Castable y cy) =>
(ca -> cx1 -> IO cy) -> a -> x1 -> IO y
cast2 ForeignPtr Tensor -> ForeignPtr Tensor -> IO (ForeignPtr Tensor)
ATen.linear_tt Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
input Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape

testLinearWithoutBias ::
    ('Gradient 'WithGradient)
    ('Layout 'Dense)
    ('DataType 'Float)
    ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 2)])
testLinearWithoutBias :: Tensor
  ('Gradient 'WithGradient)
  ('Layout 'Dense)
  ('DataType 'Float)
  ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 2)])
testLinearWithoutBias =
  let weight :: Tensor
  ('Gradient 'WithGradient)
  ('Layout 'Dense)
  ('Device 'CPU)
  ('DataType 'Float)
     '[ 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 2),
        'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])
weight = forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])
      input :: Tensor
  ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient)
  ('Layout 'Dense)
  ('DataType 'Float)
  ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])
input = forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) 'UncheckedDevice ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])
   in forall (gradient :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout :: Layout LayoutType) (device :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType :: DataType DType)
       (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)])
       (gradient' :: Gradient RequiresGradient)
       (layout' :: Layout LayoutType) (device' :: Device (DeviceType Nat))
       (dataType' :: DataType DType)
       (shape' :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]).
Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape
-> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape'
-> Tensor
     (gradient <|> gradient')
     (layout <+> layout')
     (device <+> device')
     (dataType <+> dataType')
     (LinearWithoutBiasF shape shape')
linearWithoutBias Tensor
  ('Gradient 'WithGradient)
  ('Layout 'Dense)
  ('Device 'CPU)
  ('DataType 'Float)
     '[ 'Dim ('Name "output") ('Size 2),
        'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])
weight Tensor
  ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient)
  ('Layout 'Dense)
  ('DataType 'Float)
  ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "input") ('Size 1)])