Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type ReductionErrorMessage reduction by dims = (("Cannot apply '" <> reduction) <> "' on the dimension matching") % ("" % (((" '" <> by) <> "'") % ("" % ("in the shape" % ("" % (((" '" <> dims) <> "'.") % ""))))))
- type family ReductionCheckF reduction by dims result where ...
- type family BoolReductionF reduction selectDim shape where ...
- all :: forall requiresGradient layout device dataType shape m. MonadThrow m => Tensor requiresGradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor requiresGradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[]))
- sAllDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ BoolReductionF "all" selectDim shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDim -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape')
- type AllDimF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "all" selectDim shape
- allDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDim, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AllDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape')
- any :: forall requiresGradient layout device dataType shape m. MonadThrow m => Tensor requiresGradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor requiresGradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[]))
- type AnyDimF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "any" selectDim shape
- sAnyDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device shape dataType shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AnyDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDim -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape')
- anyDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDim, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AnyDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape')
- type family MeanSelectDimsF (bys :: [By Symbol Nat]) (dims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ...
- type family MeanF (selectDims :: SelectDims [By Symbol Nat]) (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ...
- sMeanDims :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ MeanF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDims selectDims -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape')
- meanDims :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDims, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ MeanF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape')
- type DimPositiveMessage reduction dim = (("Cannot apply '" <> reduction) <> "' because the dimension") % ("" % (((" '" <> dim) <> "'") % ("" % "is not positive.")))
- type family DimPositiveF reduction dim where ...
- type family AllDimsPositiveImplF reduction dims where ...
- type family AllDimsPositiveF reduction shape where ...
- type MeanAllCheckF shape = AllDimsPositiveF "meanAll" shape
- meanAll :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape. MeanAllCheckF shape => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType ('Shape '[])
- type ArgmaxF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "argmax" selectDim shape
- argmax :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ ArgmaxF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDims -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) layout device ('DataType 'Int64) shape')
- type MaxAllCheckF shape = AllDimsPositiveF "maxAll" shape
- maxAll :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape. MaxAllCheckF shape => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType ('Shape '[])
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Prelude.List (SList (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped
import Prelude hiding (all, any)
type ReductionErrorMessage reduction by dims = (("Cannot apply '" <> reduction) <> "' on the dimension matching") % ("" % (((" '" <> by) <> "'") % ("" % ("in the shape" % ("" % (((" '" <> dims) <> "'.") % "")))))) Source #
type family ReductionCheckF reduction by dims result where ... Source #
ReductionCheckF reduction by dims 'Nothing = TypeError (ReductionErrorMessage reduction by dims) | |
ReductionCheckF _ _ _ ('Just dims') = dims' |
type family BoolReductionF reduction selectDim shape where ... Source #
BoolReductionF _ 'UncheckedSelectDim _ = 'UncheckedShape | |
BoolReductionF _ _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape | |
BoolReductionF reduction ('SelectDim by) ('Shape dims) = 'Shape (ReductionCheckF reduction by dims (ReplaceDimSizeImplF by dims ('Size 1))) |
all :: forall requiresGradient layout device dataType shape m. MonadThrow m => Tensor requiresGradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor requiresGradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[])) Source #
Tests if all element in input evaluates to True.
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
shape = SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @2 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil
(t, _) <- sRandn (TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) shape) g
t' <- all =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[])
sAllDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ BoolReductionF "all" selectDim shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDim -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape') Source #
Reduces each row of the input tensor in the selected dimension to True if all elements in the row evaluate to True and False otherwise.
For a version that accepts non-singleton parameters see allDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
shape = SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @2 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil
(t, _) <- sRandn (TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) shape) g
t' <- sAllDim (SSelectDim (SByIndex @1)) =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 1)])
sAllDim (SUncheckedSelectDim (ByIndex 3)) t
*** Exception: HasktorchException "Exception: Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [-2, 1], but got 3)...
type AllDimF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "all" selectDim shape Source #
allDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDim, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AllDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape') Source #
Reduces each row of the input tensor in the selected dimension to True if all elements in the row evaluate to True and False otherwise.
For a version that accepts singleton parameters see sAllDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
type Shape' = 'Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 4) ]
(t, _) <- randn @('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) @('Layout 'Dense) @('Device 'CPU) @('DataType 'Float) @Shape' g
t' <- allDim @('SelectDim ('ByIndex 1)) =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 1)])
any :: forall requiresGradient layout device dataType shape m. MonadThrow m => Tensor requiresGradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor requiresGradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[])) Source #
Tests if any element in input evaluates to True.
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
shape = SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @2 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil
(t, _) <- sRandn (TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) shape) g
t' <- any =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[])
type AnyDimF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "any" selectDim shape Source #
sAnyDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device shape dataType shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AnyDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDim -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape') Source #
Reduces each row of the input tensor in the selected dimension to True if any element in the row evaluates to True and False otherwise.
For a version that accepts non-singleton parameters see anyDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
shape = SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @2 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil
(t, _) <- sRandn (TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) shape) g
t' <- sAnyDim (SSelectDim (SByIndex @1)) =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 1)])
sAnyDim (SUncheckedSelectDim (ByIndex 3)) t
*** Exception: HasktorchException "Exception: Dimension out of range (expected to be in range of [-2, 1], but got 3)...
anyDim :: forall selectDim gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDim, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ AnyDimF selectDim shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device ('DataType 'Bool) shape') Source #
Reduces each row of the input tensor in the selected dimension to True if any element in the row evaluates to True and False otherwise.
For a version that accepts singleton parameters see sAnyDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
type Shape' = 'Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 4) ]
(t, _) <- randn @('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) @('Layout 'Dense) @('Device 'CPU) @('DataType 'Float) @Shape' g
t' <- anyDim @('SelectDim ('ByIndex 1)) =<< bool t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Bool) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 1)])
type family MeanSelectDimsF (bys :: [By Symbol Nat]) (dims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ... Source #
MeanSelectDimsF '[] dims = dims | |
MeanSelectDimsF (by ': bys) dims = MeanSelectDimsF bys (ReductionCheckF "mean" by dims (ReplaceDimSizeImplF by dims ('Size 1))) |
type family MeanF (selectDims :: SelectDims [By Symbol Nat]) (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ... Source #
MeanF 'UncheckedSelectDims _ = 'UncheckedShape | |
MeanF _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape | |
MeanF ('SelectDims bys) ('Shape dims) = 'Shape (MeanSelectDimsF bys dims) |
sMeanDims :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ MeanF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDims selectDims -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape') Source #
Reduces the mean value over each row of the input tensor in the dimensions selected by selectDims
For a version that accepts non-singleton parameters see meanDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
shape = SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @8 :|: SName @"width" :&: SSize @224 :|: SName @"height" :&: SSize @224 :|: SNil
(t, _) <- sRandn (TensorSpec (SGradient SWithoutGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) shape) g
t' <- sMeanDims (SSelectDims $ SByName @"width" :|: SByName @"height" :|: SNil) t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 8), 'Dim ('Name "width") ('Size 1), 'Dim ('Name "height") ('Size 1)])
sMeanDims (SUncheckedSelectDims [ByName "feature"]) t
*** Exception: HasktorchException "Exception: Name 'feature' not found in Tensor['batch', 'width', 'height']...
meanDims :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (SingI selectDims, MonadThrow m, shape' ~ MeanF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape') Source #
Reduce the mean value over each row of the input tensor in the dimensions selected by selectDims
For a version that accepts singleton parameters see sMeanDim
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
type Shape' = 'Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 8), 'Dim ('Name "feature") ('Size 4) ]
(t, _) <- randn @('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) @('Layout 'Dense) @('Device 'CPU) @('DataType 'Float) @Shape' g
t' <- meanDims @('SelectDims '[ 'ByName "feature" ]) t
:type t'
t' :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 8), 'Dim ('Name "feature") ('Size 1)])
type DimPositiveMessage reduction dim = (("Cannot apply '" <> reduction) <> "' because the dimension") % ("" % (((" '" <> dim) <> "'") % ("" % "is not positive."))) Source #
type family DimPositiveF reduction dim where ... Source #
DimPositiveF _ ('Dim _ 'UncheckedSize) = () | |
DimPositiveF reduction ('Dim name ('Size 0)) = TypeError (DimPositiveMessage reduction ('Dim name ('Size 0))) | |
DimPositiveF _ ('Dim _ ('Size _size)) = () |
type family AllDimsPositiveImplF reduction dims where ... Source #
AllDimsPositiveImplF _ '[] = () | |
AllDimsPositiveImplF reduction (dim ': dims) = (DimPositiveF reduction dim, AllDimsPositiveImplF reduction dims) |
type family AllDimsPositiveF reduction shape where ... Source #
AllDimsPositiveF _ 'UncheckedShape = () | |
AllDimsPositiveF reduction ('Shape dims) = AllDimsPositiveImplF reduction dims |
type MeanAllCheckF shape = AllDimsPositiveF "meanAll" shape Source #
meanAll :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape. MeanAllCheckF shape => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType ('Shape '[]) Source #
Reduces a tensor by calculating the mean value over all dimensions.
type ArgmaxF selectDim shape = BoolReductionF "argmax" selectDim shape Source #
argmax :: forall selectDims gradient layout device dataType shape shape' m. (MonadThrow m, shape' ~ ArgmaxF selectDims shape, Catch shape') => SSelectDim selectDims -> Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) layout device ('DataType 'Int64) shape') Source #
Argmax of a tensor given a dimension.
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
spec = TensorSpec (SGradient SWithGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat) (SShape $ SNoName :&: SSize @2 :|: SNoName :&: SSize @5 :|: SNil)
(t, _) <- sRandn spec g
r <- argmax (SSelectDim $ SByIndex @1) t
:type r
r :: Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Int64) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 2), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 1)])>>>
Tensor Int64 [2,1] [[ 0], [ 2]]
type MaxAllCheckF shape = AllDimsPositiveF "maxAll" shape Source #