Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
gt :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
lt :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
ge :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
le :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
eq :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
ne :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(>.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(<.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(>=.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(<=.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(==.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
(/=.) :: forall gradient layout device dataType shape gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' shape'' m. (MonadThrow m, Catch (dataType <+> dataType'), shape'' ~ BroadcastShapesF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') ('DataType 'Bool) shape'') Source #
Ascending | |
Descending |
data Sorted gradient layout device dataType shape where Source #
Sorted | |
Generic (Sorted gradient layout device dataType shape) Source # | |
Show (Sorted gradient layout device dataType shape) Source # | |
type Rep (Sorted gradient layout device dataType shape) Source # | |
Defined in Torch.GraduallyTyped.Tensor.MathOperations.Comparison type Rep (Sorted gradient layout device dataType shape) = D1 ('MetaData "Sorted" "Torch.GraduallyTyped.Tensor.MathOperations.Comparison" "hasktorch-gradually-typed-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Sorted" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "sorted") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "indices") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithoutGradient) layout device ('DataType 'Int64) shape)))) |
type SortErrorMessage (by :: By Symbol Nat) (dims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) = "Cannot apply sort on the dimension matching" % ("" % (((" '" <> by) <> "'") % ("" % ("in the shape" % ("" % (((" '" <> dims) <> "'.") % "")))))) Source #
type family SortCheckF (by :: By Symbol Nat) (dims :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) (result :: Maybe (Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat))) :: [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ... Source #
SortCheckF by dims 'Nothing = TypeError (SortErrorMessage by dims) | |
SortCheckF _ dims ('Just _) = dims |
type family SortF (selectDim :: SelectDim (By Symbol Nat)) (shape :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)]) :: Shape [Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)] where ... Source #
SortF 'UncheckedSelectDim _ = 'UncheckedShape | |
SortF _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape | |
SortF ('SelectDim by) ('Shape dims) = 'Shape (SortCheckF by dims (GetDimImplF by dims)) |