Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type family MatmulDimsImplF reversedDims reversedDims' where ...
- type family MatmulDimsCheckF dims dims' result where ...
- type MatmulDimsF dims dims' = MatmulDimsCheckF dims dims' (MatmulDimsImplF (Reverse dims) (Reverse dims'))
- type family MatmulF shape shape' where ...
- matmul :: forall m gradient gradient' layout layout' device device' dataType dataType' shape shape' shape''. (MonadThrow m, shape'' ~ MatmulF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor (gradient <|> gradient') (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') (dataType <+> dataType') shape'')
import Torch.GraduallyTyped.Prelude.List (SList (..))
import Torch.GraduallyTyped
type family MatmulDimsImplF reversedDims reversedDims' where ... Source #
MatmulDimsImplF (k ': '[]) (k' ': '[]) = If (UnifyCheck (Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)) k k') ('Just '[]) 'Nothing | |
MatmulDimsImplF (k ': '[]) (m ': (k' ': reversedBroadcastDims')) = If (UnifyCheck (Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)) k k') (PrependMaybe ('Just m) (BroadcastDimsImplF '[] reversedBroadcastDims')) 'Nothing | |
MatmulDimsImplF (k ': (n ': reversedBroadcastDims)) (k' ': '[]) = If (UnifyCheck (Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)) k k') (PrependMaybe ('Just n) (BroadcastDimsImplF '[] reversedBroadcastDims)) 'Nothing | |
MatmulDimsImplF (k ': (n ': reversedBroadcastDims)) (m ': (k' ': reversedBroadcastDims')) = If (UnifyCheck (Dim (Name Symbol) (Size Nat)) k k') (PrependMaybe ('Just m) (PrependMaybe ('Just n) (BroadcastDimsImplF reversedBroadcastDims reversedBroadcastDims'))) 'Nothing | |
MatmulDimsImplF _ _ = 'Nothing |
type family MatmulDimsCheckF dims dims' result where ... Source #
MatmulDimsCheckF dims dims' 'Nothing = TypeError ("Cannot multiply the tensors since the dimensions" % ("" % (((((" '" <> dims) <> "' and '") <> dims') <> "'") % ("" % ("are not compatible for matrix multiplation." % "You may need to reshape the tensor(s) first."))))) | |
MatmulDimsCheckF _ _ ('Just result) = Reverse result |
type MatmulDimsF dims dims' = MatmulDimsCheckF dims dims' (MatmulDimsImplF (Reverse dims) (Reverse dims')) Source #
type family MatmulF shape shape' where ... Source #
MatmulF 'UncheckedShape _ = 'UncheckedShape | |
MatmulF _ 'UncheckedShape = 'UncheckedShape | |
MatmulF ('Shape dims) ('Shape dims') = 'Shape (MatmulDimsF dims dims') |
matmul :: forall m gradient gradient' layout layout' device device' dataType dataType' shape shape' shape''. (MonadThrow m, shape'' ~ MatmulF shape shape', Catch shape'') => Tensor gradient layout device dataType shape -> Tensor gradient' layout' device' dataType' shape' -> m (Tensor (gradient <|> gradient') (layout <+> layout') (device <+> device') (dataType <+> dataType') shape'') Source #
Matrix product of two tensors.
The following code serves the examples of matmul
g <- sMkGenerator (SDevice SCPU) 0
sRandn' = sRandn . TensorSpec (SGradient SWithGradient) (SLayout SDense) (SDevice SCPU) (SDataType SFloat)
In order to understand the behavior of matmul
, consider the following cases:
If both tensors are 1-dimensional, the dot product (scalar) is returned:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[]))If both arguments are 2-dimensional, the matrix-matrix product is returned:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @7 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 3), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 7)]))If the first argument is 1-dimensional and the second argument is 2-dimensional, a 1 is prepended to its dimension for the purpose of the matrix multiply. After the matrix multiply, the prepended dimension is removed:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @7 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 7)]))If the first argument is 2-dimensional and the second argument is 1-dimensional, the matrix-vector product is returned:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 3)]))- If both arguments are at least 1-dimensional and at least one argument is \(n\)-dimensional (where \(n > 2\)), then a batched matrix multiply is returned.
The following is an example of a batched matrix multiplication:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @10 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @10 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @7 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 10), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 3), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 7)]))
If the first argument is 1-dimensional, a 1 is prepended to its dimension for the purpose of the batched matrix multiply and removed after:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @10 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @7 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 10), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 7)]))
If the second argument is 1-dimensional, a 1 is appended to its dimension for the purpose of the batched matrix multiply and removed after:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @10 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 10), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 3)]))
The non-matrix (i.e. batch) dimensions are broadcasted (and thus must be broadcastable).
For example, if input
is a \(j \times 1 \times n \times m\) tensor and
is a \(k \times m \times p\) tensor, output
will be a \(j \times k \times n \times p\) tensor:
(tensor1, g') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"batch" :&: SSize @10 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @1 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @3 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SNil) g
(tensor2, g'') <- sRandn' (SShape $ SName @"*" :&: SSize @5 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @4 :|: SName @"*" :&: SSize @7 :|: SNil) g'
result = tensor1 `matmul` tensor2
:type result
result :: MonadThrow m => m (Tensor ('Gradient 'WithGradient) ('Layout 'Dense) ('Device 'CPU) ('DataType 'Float) ('Shape '[ 'Dim ('Name "batch") ('Size 10), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 5), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 3), 'Dim ('Name "*") ('Size 7)]))