{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- | Hasktorch is a library for scientific computing and differentiable
-- programming.
module Torch.Tutorial
  ( -- $tutorial

import Torch.Internal.Managed.Type.Context (manual_seed_L)

-- $setup
-- >>> manual_seed_L 123
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedLists

-- $tutorial
-- = What is Hasktorch?
-- #introduction#
-- Hasktorch is a Haskell library for scientific computing and
-- differentiable programming.  It leverages @libtorch@ (the backend
-- library powering PyTorch) for efficient tensor manipulation and
-- automatic differentiation, while bringing to bear Haskell's expressive
-- type system and first-class support for for the functional programming
-- paradigm.
-- == Goal of this tutorial
-- The sequence of topics and examples here is loosely based on the
-- PyTorch tutorial [Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute
-- Blitz](https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz.html)
-- by Soumith Chintala.
-- In this tutorial we will implement a simple machine learning
-- model. Along the way, you will learn to
-- - create and manipulate tensors
-- - build computation graphs from tensors and compute gradients
-- - optimize parameters with respect to an objective function
-- = Usage
-- #usage#
-- The reader is encouraged to follow along with the examples in a GHCi session.
-- To start, import 'Torch':
-- >>> import Torch
-- == Tensors
-- #tensors#
-- A `Tensor` in Hasktorch is multidimensional array with a fixed shape
-- and element type.
-- For example, we can initialize a tensor with shape @[3, 4]@ and filled
-- with zeros using
-- >>> Torch.zeros' [3, 4]
-- Tensor Float [3,4] [[ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000],
--                     [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000],
--                     [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000]]
-- We can also initialize a tensor from a Haskell list using
-- 'Torch.Tensor.asTensor':
-- >>> asTensor ([[4, 3], [2, 1]] :: [[Float]])
-- Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 4.0000   ,  3.0000   ],
--                     [ 2.0000   ,  1.0000   ]]
-- Note that the numerical type of the tensor is inferred from the types of
-- the values in the list.
-- Scalar values are represented in Hasktorch as tensors with shape @[]@:
-- >>> asTensor 3.5
-- Tensor Double []  3.5000
-- We can get the scalar value back out using 'Torch.Tensor.asValue':
-- >>> asValue (asTensor 3.5)
-- 3.5
-- === Specifying Tensor parameters
-- In the previous section we initialized a tensor filled with zeros
-- using @zeros'@ (note the prime suffix). Hasktorch functions use a
-- convention where default versions of functions use a prime suffix. The
-- unprimed versions of these functions expect an additional parameter
-- specifying tensor parameters. For example:
-- @
--   zeros :: [Int] -> 'Torch.TensorOptions' -> Tensor
-- @
-- @TensorOptions@ are typically specified by starting with
-- 'Torch.TensorOptions.defaultOpts' and modifying using one or more of
-- the following:
-- - 'Torch.TensorOptions.withDType' configures the data type of the elements
-- - 'Torch.TensorOptions.withDevice' configures on which device the tensor is to be used
-- - others (see 'Torch.TensorOptions')
-- For example, to construct a matrix filled with zeros of dtype @Int64@:
-- >>> zeros [4, 4] (withDType Int64 defaultOpts)
-- Tensor Int64 [4,4] [[ 0,  0,  0,  0],
--                     [ 0,  0,  0,  0],
--                     [ 0,  0,  0,  0],
--                     [ 0,  0,  0,  0]]
-- === Tensor factories
-- Hasktorch comes with many "factory" functions similar to @zeros@ and
-- @zeros'@ useful for initializing common kinds of tensors. For example,
-- 'Torch.TensorFactories.ones',
-- 'Torch.TensorFactories.full',
-- 'Torch.TensorFactories.eye',
-- and the primed versions of these. See 'Torch.TensorFactories' for a
-- complete list.
-- One useful class of factory functions are those suffixed with "-like"
-- (e.g. 'Torch.TensorFactories.onesLike'), which initialize a tensor
-- with the same dimensions as their argument. For example:
-- >>> let x = zeros' [3, 2]
-- >>> onesLike x
-- Tensor Float [3,2] [[ 1.0000   ,  1.0000   ],
--                     [ 1.0000   ,  1.0000   ],
--                     [ 1.0000   ,  1.0000   ]]
-- == Operations
-- #operations#
-- Most operations are pure functions, similar to Haskell standard library
-- math operations.
-- Tensors implement the @Num@ typeclass:
-- >>> let x = ones' [4]
-- >>> x + x
-- Tensor Float [4] [ 2.0000   ,  2.0000   ,  2.0000   ,  2.0000   ]
-- Some operations transform a tensor:
-- >>> Torch.relu (asTensor ([-1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 1] :: [Float]))
-- Tensor Float [4] [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.5000   ,  1.0000   ]
-- 'Torch.Tensor.selectDim' slices out a selection by specifying a dimension and index:
-- >>> let x = asTensor [[[1, 2, 3]], [[4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9]], [[10, 11, 12]]]
-- >>> shape x
-- [4,1,3]
-- >>> select 2 1 x
-- Tensor Double [4,1] [[ 2.0000   ],
--                      [ 5.0000   ],
--                      [ 8.0000   ],
--                      [ 11.0000   ]]
-- >>> let y = asTensor [1, 2, 3]
-- >>> Torch.select 0 1 y
-- Tensor Double []  2.0000
-- Values can be extracted from a tensor using @asValue@ so long as the
-- dtype matches the Haskell type:
-- >>> let x = asTensor ([2] :: [Int])
-- >>> let y = asValue x :: Int
-- >>> y
-- 2
-- == Randomness
-- Create a randomly initialized matrix:
-- >>> x <-randIO' [2, 2]
-- >>> x
-- Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 0.2961   ,  0.5166   ],
--                     [ 0.2517   ,  0.6886   ]]
-- Note that since random initialization returns a different result each
-- time, unlike other tensor constructors, is monadic reflecting the
-- context of an underlying random number generator (RNG) changing state.
-- Hasktorch includes variations of random tensor initializers in which the
-- RNG object is threaded explicitly rather than implicitly. See the
-- @Torch.Random@ module functions for details and variations. Samplers for
-- which the RNG is not explicit such as @randIO\'@ example above use the
-- @-IO@ suffix.
-- == Automatic Differentiation
-- #automatic-differentiation#
-- Automatic differentiation is achieved through the use of two primary
-- functions in the 'Torch.Autograd' module,
-- 'Torch.Autograd.makeIndependent' and 'Torch.Autograd.grad'.
-- === Independent Tensors
-- #independent-tensors#
-- @makeIndependent@ is used to instantiate an independent tensor variable
-- from which a compute graph is constructed for differentiation, while
-- @grad@ uses compute graph to compute gradients.
-- @makeIndependent@ takes a tensor as input and returns an IO action
-- which produces an 'Torch.Autograd.IndependentTensor':
-- >  makeIndependent :: Tensor -> IO IndependentTensor
-- What is the definition of the @IndependentTensor@ type produced by the
-- @makeIndependent@ action? It’s defined in the Hasktorch library as:
-- >  newtype IndependentTensor = IndependentTensor { toDependent :: Tensor }
-- >  deriving (Show)
-- Thus @IndependentTensor@ is simply a wrapper around the underlying
-- Tensor that is passed in as the argument to @makeIndependent@. Building
-- up computations using ops applied to the @toDependent@ tensor of an
-- @IndependentTensor@ will implicitly construct a compute graph to which
-- @grad@ can be applied.
-- All tensors have an underlying property that can be retrieved using
-- the 'Torch.Autograd.requiresGrad' function which indicates whether
-- they are a differentiable value in a compute graph. <#notes [1]>
-- >>> let x = asTensor [1, 2, 3]
-- >>> y <- makeIndependent (asTensor [4, 5, 6])
-- >>> let y' = toDependent y
-- >>> let z = x + y'
-- >>> requiresGrad x
-- False
-- >>> requiresGrad y'
-- True
-- >>> requiresGrad z
-- True
-- In summary, tensors that are computations of values derived from tensor
-- constructors (e.g. @ones@, @zeros@, @fill@, @randIO@ etc.) outside the
-- context of a @IndependentTensor@ are not differentiable. Tensors that
-- are derived from computations on the @toDependent@ value of an
-- @IndependentTensor@ are differentiable, as the above example
-- illustrates.
-- === Gradients
-- #gradients#
-- Once a computation graph is constructed by applying ops and computing
-- derived quantities stemming from a @toDependent@ value of an
-- @IndependentTensor@, a gradient can be taken by using the @grad@
-- function specifying in the first argument tensor corresponding to
-- function value of interest and a list of @Independent@ tensor variables
-- that the the derivative is taken with respect to:
-- >  grad :: Tensor -> [IndependentTensor] -> [Tensor]
-- Let’s demonstrate this with a concrete example. We create a tensor and
-- derive an @IndependentTensor@ from it:
-- >>> x <- makeIndependent (ones' [2, 2])
-- >>> let x' = toDependent x
-- >>> x'
-- Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 1.0000   ,  1.0000   ],
--                     [ 1.0000   ,  1.0000   ]]
-- Now do some computations on the dependent tensor:
-- >>> let y = x' + 2
-- >>> y
-- Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 3.0000   ,  3.0000   ],
--                     [ 3.0000   ,  3.0000   ]]
-- Since y is dependent on the x independent tensor, it is differentiable:
-- >>> requiresGrad y
-- True
-- Applying more operations:
-- >>> let z = y * y * 3
-- >>> let out = mean z
-- >>> z
-- Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 27.0000   ,  27.0000   ],
--                     [ 27.0000   ,  27.0000   ]]
-- Now retrieve the gradient:
-- >>> grad out [x]
-- [Tensor Float [2,2] [[ 4.5000   ,  4.5000   ],
--                     [ 4.5000   ,  4.5000   ]]]
-- == Differentiable Programs (Neural Networks)
-- #differentiable-programs-neural-networks#
-- From a functional programming perspective, a neural network is
-- represented by data and functions, much like any other functional
-- program. The only distinction that differentiates neural networks from
-- any other functional program is that it implements a small interface
-- surface to support differentiation. Thus, we can consider neural
-- networks to be \"differentiable functional programming\".
-- The data in neural networks are the values to be fitted that
-- parameterize the functions which carry out the inference operation and
-- are modified based on gradients of through those functions.
-- As with a regular Haskell program, this data is represented by an
-- algebraic data type (ADT). The ADT can take on any shape that’s needed
-- to model the domain of interest, allowing a great deal of flexibility
-- and enabling all of Haskell’s strenghts in data modeling - can use sum
-- or product types, nest types, etc. The ADT can implement various
-- typeclasses to take on other functionality.
-- The core interface that defines capability specific to differentiable
-- programming is the 'Torch.NN.Parameterized' typeclass:
-- >  class Parameterized f where
-- >    flattenParameters :: f -> [Parameter]
-- >    default flattenParameters :: (Generic f, Parameterized' (Rep f)) => f -> [Parameter]
-- >    flattenParameters f = flattenParameters' (from f)
-- >
-- >    replaceOwnParameters :: f -> ParamStream f
-- >    default replaceOwnParameters :: (Generic f, Parameterized' (Rep f)) => f -> ParamStream f
-- >    replaceOwnParameters f = to <$> replaceOwnParameters' (from f)
-- Note @Parameter@ is simply a type alias for @IndependentTensor@ in the
-- context of neural networks (i.e. @type Parameter = IndependentTensor@).
-- The role of @flattenParameters@ is to unroll any arbitrary ADT
-- representation of a neural network into a standard flattened
-- representation consisting a list of @IndependentTensor@ which is used to
-- compute gradients.
-- @replaceOwnParameters@ is used to update parameters. ParamStream is a
-- type alias for a State type with state represented by a @Parameter@ list
-- and a value parameter corresponding to the ADT defining the model.
-- >  type ParamStream a = State [Parameter] a
-- Note the use of generics. Generics allow the compiler to usually
-- automatically derive @flattenParameters@ and @replaceOwnParameter@
-- instances without any code if your type is built up on tensors,
-- containers of tensors, or other types that are built from tensor values
-- (for example, layer modules provided in @Torch.NN@. In many cases, as
-- you’ll see in the following examples, you will only need to add
-- >  instance Parameterized MyNeuralNetwork
-- (where @MyNeuralNetwork@ is an ADT definition for your model) and the
-- compiler will derive implementations for the @flattenParameters@ and
-- @replaceOwnParameters@.
-- === Linear Regression
-- #linear-regression#
-- Lets start with a simple example of linear regression. Here we generate
-- random data with an underlying affine relationship between the inputs
-- and outputs, then fit a linear regression to reproduce that
-- relationship.
-- This example is adapted from
-- <https://github.com/hasktorch/hasktorch/tree/master/examples/regression>.
-- In a standard supervised learning model, the neural network is
-- initialized using a randomized initialization scheme. An iterative
-- optimization is performed such that at each iteration a batch.
-- >  module Main where
-- >
-- >  import Control.Monad (when)
-- >  import Torch
-- >
-- >  groundTruth :: Tensor -> Tensor
-- >  groundTruth t = squeezeAll $ matmul t weight + bias
-- >    where
-- >      weight = asTensor ([42.0, 64.0, 96.0] :: [Float])
-- >      bias = full' [1] (3.14 :: Float)
-- >
-- >  model :: Linear -> Tensor -> Tensor
-- >  model state input = squeezeAll $ linear state input
-- >
-- >  main :: IO ()
-- >  main = do
-- >      init <- sample $ LinearSpec{in_features = numFeatures, out_features = 1}
-- >      randGen <- mkGenerator (Device CPU 0) 12345
-- >      (trained, _) <- foldLoop (init, randGen) 2000 $ \(state, randGen) i -> do
-- >          let (input, randGen') = randn' [batchSize, numFeatures] randGen
-- >              (y, y') = (groundTruth input, model state input)
-- >              loss = mseLoss y y'
-- >          when (i `mod` 100 == 0) $ do
-- >              putStrLn $ "Iteration: " ++ show i ++ " | Loss: " ++ show loss
-- >          (newParam, _) <- runStep state GD loss 5e-3
-- >          pure (replaceParameters state newParam, randGen')
-- >      pure ()
-- >    where
-- >      batchSize = 4
-- >      numFeatures = 3
-- Note the expression of the architecture in the 'Torch.NN.linear'
-- function (a single linear layer, or alternatively a neural network
-- with zero hidden layers), does not require an explicit representation
-- of the compute graph, but is simply a composition of tensor
-- ops. Because of the autodiff mechanism described in the previous
-- section, the graph is constructed automatically as pure functional ops
-- are applied, given a context of a set of independent variables.
-- The @init@ variable is initialized as a @Linear@ type (defined in
-- @Torch.NN@) using @sample@ which randomly initializes a @Linear@ value.
-- @Linear@ is a built-in ADT implementing the @Parameterized@ typeclass
-- and representing a fully connected linear layer, equivalent to linear
-- regression when no hidden layers are present.
-- @init@ is passed into the 'Torch.Optim.foldLoop'@<#notes [2]> as the @state@
-- variable.
-- A new list of @Parameter@ values is passed back from
-- 'Torch.Optim.runStep' (which calls @grad@ to retrieve gradients, given
-- a loss function, learning rate, and optimizer) and the typeclass
-- function @replaceParameters@ is used to update the model at each
-- iteration.
-- Initialization is discussed in more detail in the following section
-- === Weight Initialization
-- #weight-initialization#
-- Random initialization of weights is not a pure function since two
-- random initializations return different values. Initialization occurs
-- by calling the 'Torch.NN.sample' function for an ADT (@spec@)
-- implementing the 'Torch.NN.Randomizable' typeclass:
-- >  class Randomizable spec f | spec -> f where
-- >    sample :: spec -> IO f
-- In a typical (but not required) usage, @f@ is an ADT that implements the
-- @Parameterized@ typeclass, so that there’s a pair of types - a
-- specification type implementing the @spec@ input to @sample@ and a type
-- implementing @Parameterizable@ representing the model state.
-- For example, a linear fully connected layer is provided by the
-- @Torch.NN@ module and defined therein as:
-- >  data Linear = Linear { weight :: Parameter, bias :: Parameter } deriving (Show, Generic)
-- and is typically used with a specification type:
-- >  data LinearSpec = LinearSpec { in_features :: Int, out_features :: Int }
-- >    deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Putting this together, in untyped tensor usage, the user can implement
-- custom models or layers implementing the @Parameterizable@ typeclass
-- built up from other ADTs implementing @Parameterizable@. The shape of
-- the data required for initialization is described by a type implementing
-- @Randomizable@’s @spec@ parameter, and the @sample@ implementation
-- specifies the default weight initialization.
-- Note this initialization approach is specific to untyped tensors. One
-- consequence of using typed tensors is that the information in these
-- @spec@ types is reflected in the type itself and thus are not needed.
-- What if you want to use a custom initialization that differs from the
-- default? You can define an alternative function with the same signature
-- @spec -> IO f@ and use the alternative function instead of @sample@.
-- === Optimizers
-- #optimizers#
-- Optimization implementations are functions that take as input the
-- current parameter values of a model, parameter gradient estimates of the
-- loss function at those parameters for a single batch, and a
-- characteristic learning describing how large a perturbation to make to
-- the parameters in order to reduce the loss. Given those inputs, they
-- output a new set of parameters.
-- In the simple case of stochastic gradient descent, the function to
-- output a new set of parameters is to subtract from the current parameter
-- \(\theta\), the gradient of the loss \(\nabla J\) scaled by the learning
-- rate \(\eta\):
-- \[\theta_{i+1} = \theta_i - \eta \nabla J(\theta)\]
-- While stochastic gradient descent is a stateless function of the
-- parameters, loss, and gradient, some optimizers have a notion of
-- internal state that is propagated from one step to the step, for
-- example, retaining and updating momentum between steps:
-- \[\begin{gathered}
--     \Delta \theta_i = \alpha \Delta \theta_{i-1} - \eta \nabla J(\theta) \\
--     \theta_{i+1} = \theta_i + \Delta \theta_i
-- \end{gathered}\]
-- In this case, the momentum term \(\Delta \theta_i\) is carried forward
-- as internal state of the optimizer that is propagated to the next step.
-- \(\alpha\) is an optimizer parameter which determines a weighting on the
-- momentum term relative to the gradient.
-- Implementation of an optimizer consists of defining an ADT describing
-- the optimizer state and a @step@ function that implements a single step
-- perturbation given the learning rate, loss gradients, current
-- parameters, and optimizer state.
-- This function interface is described in the 'Torch.Optim.Optimizer'
-- typeclass interface:
-- >  class Optimizer o where
-- >      step :: LearningRate -> Gradients -> [Tensor] -> o -> ([Tensor], o)
-- @Gradients@ is a newtype wrapper around a list of tensors to make
-- intent explicit: @newtype Gradients = Gradients [Tensor]@.
-- Hasktorch provides built-in optimizer implementations in @Torch.Optim@.
-- Some illustrative example implementations follow.
-- Being stateless, stochastic gradient descent has an ADT that has only
-- one constructor value:
-- >  data GD = GD
-- and implements the step function as:
-- >  instance Optimizer GD where
-- >      step lr gradients depParameters dummy = (gd lr gradients depParameters, dummy)
-- >          where
-- >          step p dp = p - (lr * dp)
-- >          gd lr (Gradients gradients) parameters = zipWith step parameters gradients
-- The use of an optimizer was illustrated in the linear regression example
-- using the function @runStep@
-- >  (newParam, _) <- runStep state GD loss 5e-3
-- In this case the new optimizer state returned is ignored (as @_@) since
-- gradient descent does not have any internal state. Under the hood,
-- @runStep@ does a little bookkeeping making independent variables from a
-- model, computing gradients, and passing values to the @step@ function.
-- Usually a user can ignore the details and just pass model parameters and
-- the optimizer to runStep as an abstracted interface which takes
-- parameter values, the optimizer value, loss (a tensor), and learning
-- rate as input and returns new parameters and an updated optimizer value.
-- >  runStep :: (Parameterized p, Optimizer o) =>
-- >          p -> o -> Tensor -> LearningRate -> IO ([Parameter], o)
-- = Typed Tensors
-- #typed-tensors#
-- Typed tensors provide an alternative API for which tensor
-- characteristics are encoded in the type of the tensor. The Hasktorch
-- library is layered such that [ TODO ]
-- Using typed tensors increases the expressiveness of program invariants
-- that can be automatically checked by GHC at the cost of needing to be
-- more explicit in writing code and also requiring working with Haskell’s
-- type-level machinery. Type-level Haskell programming has arisen through
-- progressive compiler iteration leading to mechanisms that have a higher
-- degree of complexity compared to value-level Haskell code or other
-- languages such as Idris which were designed with type-level computations
-- from inception. In spite of these compromises, Haskell offers enough
-- capability to express powerful type-level representations of models that
-- is matched by few other languages used for production applications.
-- Things we can do in typed Hasktorch:
-- -   specify, check, and infer tensor shapes at compile time
-- -   specify, check, and infer tensor data types at compile time
-- -   specify, check, and infer tensor compute devices at compile time
-- We can encode all Hasktorch tensor shapes on the type level using
-- type-level lists and natural numbers:
-- >  type EmptyShape = '[]
-- >  type OneDimensionalShape (a :: Nat) = '[a]
-- >  type TwoDimensionalShape (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) = '[a, b]
-- >  ...
-- Tensor data types and compute device types are lifted to the type level
-- using the @DataKinds@ language extension:
-- >  type BooleanCPUTensor (shape :: [Nat]) = Tensor '(CPU,  0) 'Bool  shape
-- >  type IntCUDATensor    (shape :: [Nat]) = Tensor '(CUDA, 1) 'Int64 shape
-- Devices are represented as tuples consisting of a @DeviceType@ (here
-- @CPU@ for the CPU and @CUDA@ for a CUDA device, respectively) and a
-- device id (here the @Nat@s @0@ and @1@, respectively).
-- It is a common misconception that specifying tensor properties at
-- compile time is only possible if all tensor properties are constants and
-- are statically known. If this were the case, then we could only write
-- functions over fully specified tensors, say,
-- >  boring :: BooleanCPUTensor '[] -> BooleanCPUTensor '[]
-- >  boring = id
-- Fortunately, Haskell has the ability to reason about type variables.
-- This feature is called parametric polymorphism. Consider this simple
-- example of a function:
-- >  tensorNoOp
-- >    :: forall (shape :: [Nat]) (dtype :: DType) (device :: (DeviceType, Nat))
-- >     . Tensor device dtype shape
-- >    -> Tensor device dtype shape
-- >  tensorNoOp = id
-- Here, @shape@, @dtype@, and @device@ are type variables that have been
-- constrained to be of kind shape, data type, and device, respectively.
-- The universal quantifier @forall@ implies that this function is
-- well-defined for all inhabitants of the types that are compatible with
-- the type variables and their constraints.
-- The @tensorNoOp@ function may seem trivial, and that is because its type
-- is very strongly constrained: Given any typed tensor, it must return a
-- tensor of the same shape and with the same data type and on the same
-- device. Besides by means of the identity, @id@, there are not many ways
-- in which this function can be implemented.
-- There is a connection between a type signature of a function and
-- mathematical proofs. We can say that the fact that a function exists is
-- witnessed by its implementation. The implementation, @tensorNoOp = id@,
-- is the proof of the theorem stated by @tensorNoOp@’s type signature. And
-- here we have a proof that we can run this function on any device and for
-- any data type and tensor shape.
-- This is the essence of typed Hasktorch. As soon as the compiler gives
-- its OK, we hold a proof that our program will run without shape or CUDA
-- errors.
-- #notes#
-- 1.  PyTorch users will be familiar with this as the @requires_grad@
--     member variable for the PyTorch tensor type. The Hasktorch mechanism
--     is distinct from PyTorch’s mechanism - by only allowing gradients to
--     be applied in the context of a set of @IndependentTensor@ variables,
--     it allows ops to be semantically pure and preserve referential
--     transparency.
-- 2.  @foldLoop@ is a convenience function defined in terms of @foldM@ as
--     @foldLoop x count block = foldM block x ([1 .. count] :: [a])@